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Why Customer Service Matters

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I'll start this by saying I'm a small firm and was not a large customer of Emcrapdero, but am a firm believer in how you treat your smallest customer speaking volumes about your values as a company.  We're all in this to make a living, but the lack of customer service speaks volumes as to why Delphi isn't making the in roads that it could or why C++ Builder is avoided.  Further, when your IDE company treats their customers like a number then their smaller partners also suffer because there are a million languages out there with a million frameworks and that "number" can pivot to different tech if/when it is required.  So maybe my almost $10k is meaningless, but it's another hit to the armor and the chickens will come to roost if they continue operating like this.

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Not that I disagree with you, but what is the purpose of your post?


You obviously registered here just to have a place to vent your frustration but unless you state what your concrete problem is (was?), you are just shouting into the void.

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