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Put Handler does not get dispatched

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I added a PUT handler to my API (so far I worked with POST, for my new API iteration I'm finally getting to implementing PUT), but it does not get dispatched.

HttpAppSrv1.AddPutHandler('/'+porticoversion+'/object/*',Tlisaapiportico);    // Person anlegen PUT                                     /object/{oid}/person

Tlisaapiportico is implementing TUrlHandler.


I debugged, and it looks like the handler get's correctly added to the FPutHandler, but PutDispatchVirtualDocument gets never reached.

Further debugging (and comparison with POST) lead me to TriggerPutDocument. When I comment out the "Flags-Check" it works.

procedure THttpAppSrv.TriggerPutDocument(           { V8.67 }
     Sender     : TObject;
     var Flags  : THttpGetFlag);
//OutputDebugString(PChar('HTTP_PUT  ' + (Sender as THttpAppSrvConnection).Path));
    inherited TriggerPutDocument(Sender, Flags);
 {   if Flags in [hgWillSendMySelf, hg404, hg403, hg401] then
        Exit ;   }

    // Handle all virtual documents. Returns TRUE if document handled.
    if PutDispatchVirtualDocument(Sender as THttpAppSrvConnection, Flags) then

    // Reject anything else
    Flags := hg404;

In TriggerDeleteDocument is a similar check. I did not test it yet, but I imagine I'm going to run into the same problem.

Of course I don't know if the real problem is, that the flag get's set wrong somewhere higher in the call stack, or if the inherited call should do something instead.

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Thanks, that will explain why a PUT test upload failed recently, it was still on my list to test, fix will be in SVN this week.




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When further testing I discovered an additional problem:
My PUT obviously happens with data. But in my dispatched handler no data arrives. When debugging I noticed, that the handler get's dispatched before the data is received. An additional ConnectionDataAvailable where FState is hcPostedData happens after the dispatch.

I meant to test it properly all earlier, after you implemented it for me, but other projects happened and my workaround with POST worked.

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The main problem with the PUT handler in the application server was a complete lack of content upload handling, it was just ignored, now fixed, will be in SVN today.




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I downloaded and installed the latest daily snapshot from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/arch/icsv9w.zip but still can't get PUT to work. I still run into the "Flags"-check from my original post. Am I missing something else?


The Flags in question contains hg404. The path I call the PUT with Postman is

My other GET and POST Handlers work like they used to.


Edit: If I comment out the Flags-Check like I did in my original post it now works. So your fix handling the uploads worked.


Edited by omnibrain

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Thanks, those checks are not in the POST handler and I thought I'd removed them since my PUT tests all worked, but now gone.  SVN may be a few days.



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