RTollison 0 Posted November 22, 2023 user wants a chart to show the records in a table. the tables structure is quite simple: date, value1, value2,... value10 a date and then 10 numbers, the numbers are not in any order and that is fine. they max out at 200. 11/01/23, 101, 12, 32, 157, 1, 77, 18, 182, 45, 133 11/02/23,.... 11/03/23,... in a mock up of the chart i put the series titles as the date and the data values i entered all down in 10 rows and showed him the sample and he said that was exact what he wanted. now in my dataset query i am pulling * with date range but now matter what i try to do in the dbchart i cant seem to replicate. there is no correspondence between the numbers start/end from date to date. even if the numbers are the exact same and in the same order then so be it. select * from table1 is basic query with a date range and that is working fine just not sure how to tie that data into the chart to get the same results. Share this post Link to post
RTollison 0 Posted December 1, 2023 here is what i found and tested. works to a degree (no series titles but he seems ok with it) just a mess looking to me. begin DBChart1.View3D:=false; DBChart1.Legend.Visible:=false; with DBChart1.AddSeries(TFastLineSeries) as TFastLineSeries do begin XValues.Order:=loNone; TreatNulls:=tnDontPaint; adodataset1.First; while not adodataset1.Eof do begin AddNullXY(0,0); //start a new line AddXY(0,adodataset1.FieldByName('num_1').AsInteger); AddXY(1, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_2').AsInteger); AddXY(2, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_3').AsInteger); AddXY(3, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_4').AsInteger); AddXY(4, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_5').AsInteger); AddXY(5, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_6').AsInteger); AddXY(6, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_7').AsInteger); AddXY(7, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_8').AsInteger); AddXY(8, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_9').AsInteger); AddXY(9, adodataset1.FieldByName('num_10').AsInteger); adodataset1.Next; end; end; end; Share this post Link to post
Brian Evans 111 Posted December 1, 2023 You need to add a series per record. Share this post Link to post
Pat Foley 52 Posted December 1, 2023 Here's sample of updating lineseries and legend in real time I think the data points should the numbers and be in the legend Second the time axis is usually bottom axis. For old data pass in the datetime of the record and field name of number. s := FormatDateTime('ss', Frac(aSimTime)); Ptp := Chart1.Series[0]; if Ptp.Count > 300 then Ptp.Delete(0, 100); Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(now, FXY.y, s, clRed); Chart1.Series[0].Title := 'A ' + FXY.y.ToString; if Chart1.SeriesCount > 1 then begin Ptp := Chart1.Series[1]; Chart1.Series[1].AddXY(now, FXY.y + 5, '', clBlue); Chart1.Series[1].Title := 'A dgr ' + (FXY.y + 5).ToString; if Ptp.Count > 150 then Ptp.Delete(0, 50); end; end; Share this post Link to post