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PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

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in the principal I am intereted about PPPoW , so peer to peer over Wifi
from one AP and to the PC with W10 and wifi/USB  .

I use only Delphi XE Starter cca 2015 with dpr,  pas and dfm the best without of next packages and dll libraries.

Can you help me with it ?

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So I am here on my topic ..

at first, I think, my Delphi XE Starter cannot work wit dcr files ,.. I can use only dpr, pas and dcu ones.

So I thik I can use here only miscelanous samples or finished exe files .. 😞 ...


Delphi XE Starter - PavelOu - dcr and dcu question.jpg

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New explanations :

at first - to some language problems with my english .. I have used Liberation Serif language set in my previous messages, now I have changed it for Microsoft Sans Serif, so I hope, the language problems disappear ..?

at second my matter .. I have bought this device :


and I have problem to connect this AP simply and I am not satisfied with offered program W10 for PC (I am not interested about a connection with my mobile).

at third .. my goal :

I need a simply and little another program to connect this AP and I need to read another data as the offered program for W10 offers in the original for my W10 32bit only on my PC .

The offered program has many of functions and it meas temperatures from the termostat room sender, but the one cannot them registered to a file.

at fours .. a solving ?


I know PPPoW is nothing new and it is some one as client-server connection or maybe a http .. I have already try to start same samples on my Delphi XE Starter from

Ics90 published on Github and some of them seem to be still in the functions with some problems and runtime errors .. so I am inerested to repair them yet with someone from TeamIcs with my assistance.

Unfortunately the samples from Wiki V7Gold are already written for Delphi XE, which my Starter probably cannot use.. 😞

Ics90-Tool-Netswork Adaptors.jpg

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I told you on ICS support forum (https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite) that you must use ICS downloaded from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download and nowhere else. The code that is on GitHub is terribly outdated or unofficial publication.

I have no idea about what PPPoW is. I know PPPoE but not PPPoW. I doubt that PPPoE is the protocol used by your device. It is more likely a simple TCP connection or use UDP transmission or maybe is a HTTP server.

You must find a technical description of the protocol used by your device. Ask the manufacturer.

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Dear Francois, I am sorry for my mistakes with your name .. I am writing without Google, can you already to read my text?

PPPoE is peer tp peer over Ethernet and so I used to this shortening special for my topic with Wifi. As I have written to Anrud (?) , the samples on Github seem not to be very obsolet, as this web was renewed in cca Juni in 2023 ..  so I have downloaded the part of Ics90 for D7 and DXE and I have compiled some of OtherIcs samples and same of them was partly useful .. as to my first  beginners experiment with network solutions it was for me the excelent infos. Mainly Tool and Ping samples were partly working good. As I am limited with my DXE Starter, as I was written, I cannot use dcr for DXE,

My question for you is if some starting solution exist in some exe file free or share at first as client-server or so, what is possible to use as the start testing for network communication and connection.

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19 minutes ago, PavelOu said:

PPPoE is peer tp peer over Ethernet

I told you that I new that.


19 minutes ago, PavelOu said:

I used to this shortening

You didn't! You used PPPoW.

20 minutes ago, PavelOu said:

limited with my DXE Starter

I don't think Delphi starter prohibit the use of ICS whatever version you use. Probably Delphi starter won't let you install components or add-on. Just don't install ICS components in the IDE but create all component in your code at runtime. Or better, request a free Delphi Community license currently you'll get a Delphi 11 license with "pro" sku features.


BTW: PPPoE is probably NOT the way to communicate with your device. Read again my previous post.


If you need help with ICS use the proper forum. Read again all my advice I gave you several times today. I'm tired of you refusing to do what I said.

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I'm not entirely sure if that is the case but what I understood you want to write your own program to communicate with (and maybe to control) said thremostat. To do that you'll either have to have the full protocol description used (which the manufacturer can provide) OR you have to reverse-engineer it by yourself. Be warned though - reverse-engineering even a part of a propriatery solution might be completely forbidden by the EULA and / or your regional law so make sure you are permitted to do so.


If you can and would like to proceeed you don't need any Delphi application for that; just install Wireshark and connect with your PC program. That will give you enough hints to start.

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2 hours ago, FPiette said:

I told you that I new that.


You didn't! You used PPPoW.

I don't think Delphi starter prohibit the use of ICS whatever version you use. Probably Delphi starter won't let you install components or add-on. Just don't install ICS components in the IDE but create all component in your code at runtime. Or better, request a free Delphi Community license currently you'll get a Delphi 11 license with "pro" sku features.


BTW: PPPoE is probably NOT the way to communicate with your device. Read again my previous post.


If you need help with ICS use the proper forum. Read again all my advice I gave you several times today. I'm tired of you refusing to do what I said.

.. I am sorry, but you can understand than I am a litle behind your advices .. let me time to absorb all ones .. and I will write next my explanation now ..

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2 hours ago, aehimself said:

I'm not entirely sure if that is the case but what I understood you want to write your own program to communicate with (and maybe to control) said thremostat. To do that you'll either have to have the full protocol description used (which the manufacturer can provide) OR you have to reverse-engineer it by yourself. Be warned though - reverse-engineering even a part of a propriatery solution might be completely forbidden by the EULA and / or your regional law so make sure you are permitted to do so.


If you can and would like to proceeed you don't need any Delphi application for that; just install Wireshark and connect with your PC program. That will give you enough hints to start.

Thank you for your help .. I think I am not reverse one, when I am interested for better software as I was find free on web for the device I was buying. Maybe I will Wiresshark prove, too ..

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I have tried to find someone obsolete source codes on your Wiki pages,

as V5 or V6 ..


Now to offered program for BT725 Wifi W10 :


No productor is glad, when customers have some problems with their software

and this is the same fall now occured ..


I attach the prinscreen from my monitor of PC with W10 32 bit of main page

of this LoB program for BT725wifi termostat ... (MAC is known and SSID is occasionally too, I own wifi router yet for my connection to web )


This program can set asked temperature and meas the real one,

but this one cannot these temperatures recorded and ocassionally save on the disc .


So what are here possibilities :


- I can simplifed some my previous program and then I must read this temperatures

from my monitor and get them to my program manually from keyboard ..


- or I can try to write a simply program for connection and read only this temperatures

from BT725 wifi AP..


Yes, if I do it with my software and if I will know the communication protocol ..


So what I see and can do next ..

- my software is already obsolet (same as I am 75 ) and I will already not invest to it ..

 (I have somtimes problem to understand to all posibilities of this DXE Starter and I use only ones what are clear for me,

                                                          so I am not sure if I have time and my head capacity to study next levels of Delphi)

- and I do not know this communication protocol ..

- and it is not sure that producent will it published for me  ..


This are the question ..


I was and I am serching for some skilled programmer in network application

- who can help me with repairing of the obsolet source codes suitable

for my DXE Starter, as I see them as suitable for me and my next understanding to network communications ...

- who know some suitable free applications for wifi connection between

AP and PC with wifi connection (as Wireshark ?)

- and at last who can help me to contact the producer with idea

for improvement of his pure software.

BT725wifi-software-main page.jpg

BT725wifi-device info.jpg

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I have tried Wireshark and I have searced the one use TCP protocol, so I hope it was or Modbus TCP or OpenTherm protocol ...


IcsV6 from Wiki.overbyte.be and the similar one from Github :


I have found on Wiki... there are fewer samples as they are in Ics90 on Github

and the errors are probably the same ...


I am interested to repair these samples for my DXEs and I hope someone from TeamIcs will help me .


Will be better to create next topic for this goal ?

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1 hour ago, PavelOu said:

I hope someone from TeamIcs will help me

Post a NEW topic in ICS forum.

One topic per issue you have. Use a subject appropriate to the issue described in the message. Don't forget to add the EXACT error messages you get.

Follow the rules if you need an answer. No one will build your application for you. Only use the source code from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download and nowhere else.

Edited by FPiette

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I have revised the data from possible Github, your website and Wiki.overbyte.be .

There are many of data and maybe some percent can help me in my study of network communication .. I have started with some dpr and dfm from probably your web or Github, I am not sure where I found the firt sources and  I have lost my orientation a little ..


I have two news today, I am in contact with the producer of this termostat and I have asked them for their TCP protokol of one .. so I will wait for their reaction ..


The second news for me is that I have found in iscdemo-tools the exe program very similar to the Wireshark .. it has no List or Log of data , so I can attach only its printscreen .. so I will search for its dpr, dfm and pas files and when I will find them, I will try to compile them with my DXEs .. and it can be maybe my start to a new topic .

ICS Internet Packet Monitoring - on Desctop-N7MCIQOB-2024-01-22.jpg

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I have solved my mistake with Gishub .. I have downloaded at first this ICS V9.0,

what is downloaded as Ivsv90 ... and I have coupled it in my mind somehow as someting from Github ...


Instead of there was writen it is useful from Delphi 7 and so surely I have fonud there some .dpr and .dfm files .... OK and these ones I have used for my first half succesful compilations .


This my misteke has took me to the versions V5 and V6 and V7Gold .. probably all into blind way .. 😞 .. so but I am now back as I hope on the good way and I see I must study more and more .. but my goal is still the same one .


ICS V90 recomended.jpg

Edited by PavelOu

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.I see I am now in the point zero as I was in WSocket but I have made a beginners circle and I am about one level on .. 🙂


So I can offer tree new topic here :


1) ICS V9.0 How to use it with Delphi 7 and Delphi XE Starter

- I think it is quite cleare topic


2) The rules of Delphi-Praxis forum simplified for a beginners

- there are probably many long texts about ones and never has time to read them ...


3) ICS pre-builded demos and the dangerous of their use ..

- I have not remembred it full but I think ICS Wireshark has go over of my firewall simply and there was no question about a cross of it .. but I am now not sure about one .

Edited by PavelOu
needless question ...

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4) when I edit a post myself I usually know why I edit it .. so I think the question about why I something edit is needless .

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5 minutes ago, PavelOu said:

4) when I edit a post myself I usually know why I edit it .. so I think the question about why I something edit is needless .

it's a comment for other users of the forum. In case you don't want to communicate for others you don't have to write anything.

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15 hours ago, PavelOu said:

.I see I am now in the point zero as I was in WSocket but I have made a beginners circle and I am about one level on .. 🙂


So I can offer tree new topic here :


1) ICS V9.0 How to use it with Delphi 7 and Delphi XE Starter

- I think it is quite cleare topic


2) The rules of Delphi-Praxis forum simplified for a beginners

- there are probably many long texts about ones and never has time to read them ...


3) ICS pre-builded demos and the dangerous of their use ..

- I have not remembred it full but I think ICS Wireshark has go over of my firewall simply and there was no question about a cross of it .. but I am now not sure about one .

You are in the wrong forum. I already told you 3 or 4 times. I wonder why I still react to your messages!

The correct forum is: https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite/


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7 hours ago, Lajos Juhász said:

it's a comment for other users of the forum. In case you don't want to communicate for others you don't have to write anything.

OK, I will respect it.

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