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[Need help] Linux recv() timeout

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I need to perform simple TCP socket peek during Indy server event. To do this I use recv(), but it stays blocking forever if I don't receive required data, not allowing any further server <> client communication.

procedure OnServerBeforeConnect(AContext: TIdContext);
  mPeek: Array [0..1] of AnsiChar;
  mTime, mRes: Integer;
  // returns error -1
  mTime := 5;
  mRes := SetSockOpt(AContext.Binding.Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, mTime, SizeOf(mTime));

  // nothing happens
  AContext.Binding.SetSockOpt(Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_RCVTIMEO, 5);

  // hangs forever
  if (Recv(AContext.Binding.Handle, mPeek, 2, MSG_PEEK) = 2) and (mPeek[0] = #22) and (mPeek[1] = #03) then
    TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := False;

On Windows this works just fine, setting SO_RCVTIMEO helps to exit recv() even if needed data is not received.


Please help.



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What SetSockOpt are you using?

In Linux SO_RCVTIMEO parameter is supposed to be a pointer to timeval record. Not Int.

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SetSockOpt from Posix.SysSocket/SysSocketAPI.inc


The second one is Indys built-in.


I know that Posix wants a time struct, but how to do that in Delphi?



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Unfortunately I do not have Delphi version new enough. But maybe there is an overloaded version, that allows required parameters?

Indy own TIdSocketHandle.SetScokOpot also has AOptVal:Integer... But GStack.SetSocketOption seems to have required version.

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Finally got it working.


  TTimeVal = record
    tv_sec, tv_usec: LongInt;


  mTime: TTimeVal;
  mRes: Integer;
  mTime.tv_sec := 5;
  mTime.tv_usec := 0;
  // returns 0 - no error
  mRes := Posix.SysSocket.SetSockOpt(AContext.Binding.Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &mTime, SizeOf(TTimeVal));


Thank you for hints @Virgo.

Edited by FearDC

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2 hours ago, FearDC said:

  mTime: TTimeVal;
  mRes: Integer;
  mTime.tv_sec := 5;
  mTime.tv_usec := 0;
  // returns 0 - no error
  mRes := Posix.SysSocket.SetSockOpt(AContext.Binding.Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &mTime, SizeOf(TTimeVal));


Indy's TIdSocketHandle class does not have a SetSockOpt() overload for non-integer inputs, but its TIdStackBSDBase class does (for BSD-based socket stacks, like Linux and Windows):

  ..., IdStackBSDBase;
GBSDStack.SetSocketOption(AContext.Binding.Handle, Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_RCVTIMEO, mTime, SizeOf(TTimeVal));

I probably need to update Indy to expose this overload in TIdSocketHandle and TIdStack for easier use.

Edited by Remy Lebeau

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Oh, cool. Does IdStackBSDBase have recv() too?

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9 hours ago, FearDC said:

Oh, cool. Does IdStackBSDBase have recv() too?

It has the public Receive() method inherited from TIdStack, but that takes only a socket handle and a TIdBytes as parameters. I assume you want access to the flags parameter of recv()? For that, you can use the protected TIdStackBSDBase.WSRecv() method.

type TIdStackBSDBaseAccess = class(TIdStackBSDBase)

TIdStackBSDBaseAccess(GBSDStack).WSRecv(AContext.Binding.Handle, buffer, length, MSG_PEEK);


Edited by Remy Lebeau

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