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Do runtime created forms close the TFDQuery connections?

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Hi team!


frmSelectFooter := TfrmSelectFooter.Create(self);

if frmSelectFooter.ShowModal = mrOk then




FreeAndNil( frmSelectFooter );


If there are TFDQuery's used in that form, do I need to close explicitly close the query? In other words, are (database) resources still in use?




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Just now, Tom Chamberlain said:

Depends where the TFDConnection is defined, are you using a shared data module or creating it in the form?  Is it pooled?

The TFDConnection is on a central place in the program on a different datamodule. ( MySQL and the property 'Pooled' is left default, which is False )

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All components that have the form as Owner (which includes all components dropped on the form in the IDE designer) are automatically destroyed when the form is destroyed. So your query components are destroyed but whether that automatically releases serverside resources depends on how the component, especially its destructor, is implemented. But a TFDQuery will close the query when it is destroyed, so your scenario is OK.

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Just now, PeterBelow said:

All components that have the form as Owner (which includes all components dropped on the form in the IDE designer) are automatically destroyed when the form is destroyed. So your query components are destroyed but whether that automatically releases serverside resources depends on how the component, especially its destructor, is implemented. But a TFDQuery will close the query when it is destroyed, so your scenario is OK.

Thanks for the quick reply!!  😉

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