kvk1989 2 Posted February 29, 2024 I have write debuglog function and when I click button then button message show port not found But debug log show port found I attached a video for better understand received_7133230726795917.mp4 Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted February 29, 2024 Why does your device manager keep refreshing and showing the port disappearing? Are you perhaps opening the port during the time it has disappeared? What does your code look like that is opening the port? Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted February 29, 2024 23 minutes ago, Remy Lebeau said: Why does your device manager keep refreshing and showing the port disappearing? Are you perhaps opening the port during the time it has disappeared? What does your code look like that is opening the port? Let me show you codes unit HW.FindDevice; interface // readonly string string_0 = "{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 } "; // readonly string string_1 = "F72FE0D4-CBCB-407d-8814-9ED673D0DD6B "; // readonly string string_2 = "F72FE0D4-CBCB-407d-8814-9ED673D0DD6B "; // readonly string string_3 = "{146bf252-9f25-4209-a6dd-c45a1180abc4}"; uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, STRUTILS, forms, System.SysUtils, System.Win.Registry, System.Variants, System.Classes, SetupApi2, SetupAPI, inifiles; Type TSetofChars = Set of Char; TWUDFDiagnosticInfo = record HostPid: dword; IoctlTransferMode: dword; RetrievalMode: dword; RwTransferMode: dword; end; TDeviceParameters = record EnumerationRetryCount: dword; PollingPeriod: dword; PortName: ansistring; SymbolicName: string; WUDFDiagnosticInfo: TWUDFDiagnosticInfo; end; TUSBDeviceInfo = record VIDPID: string; Address: dword; Capabilities: dword; ClassGUID: ansistring; ContainerID: ansistring; device: string; DeviceDesc: ansistring; DriverGUID: ansistring; Driver: ansistring; FriendlyName: ansistring; HardwareID: Tstringlist; LocationInformation: ansistring; Mfg: ansistring; Service: ansistring; UpperFilters: string; DeviceParameters: TDeviceParameters; end; TUSBDeviceList = array of TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: Tstringlist; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; implementation uses main; function findFriendlyName(key: string; Port: string): string; var r: TRegistry; k: Tstringlist; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; begin r := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := Tstringlist.Create; r.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); r.GetKeyNames(k); r.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k[i] + '\'; // addlog(ck); if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck + 'Device Parameters') then begin if r.ReadString('PortName') = Port then begin r.CloseKey; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck); rs := r.ReadString('FriendlyName'); break; end end else begin if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and r.HasSubKeys then begin rs := findFriendlyName(ck, Port); if rs <> '' then break; end; end; end; result := rs; finally r.Free; k.Free; end; end; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); var GUID_CAM: TGUID; hDevInfo: Pointer; DeviceInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; successful: BOOL; i: dword; dwSize, dwPropertyRegDataType: dword; szDesc: array [0 .. 1023] of Char; begin list.Clear; GUID_CAM := StringToGUID('{4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // GUID_CAM := StringToGUID('{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // 4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 // 4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 hDevInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevsW(@GUID_CAM, nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT); if dword(hDevInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin i := 0; repeat DeviceInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSP_DevInfo_Data); successful := SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, DeviceInfoData); if successful then begin if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(hDevInfo, @DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, @dwPropertyRegDataType, @szDesc, SizeOf(szDesc), @dwSize)) then begin list.Add(WideCharToString(@szDesc)); // result := result + WideCharToString(@szDesc) + ';'; end; end; Inc(i); until not successful; end; end; // this function based on both: // http://www.delphikingdom.com/asp/answer.asp?IDAnswer=77001 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927475/windows-how-to-enumerate-all-connected-usb-devices-device-path/13928035#13928035 // so we need modify this function and be creative { Result:= CreateFile( functionClassDeviceData^.DevicePath, GENERIC_WRITE or GENERIC_READ, 0, //FILE_SHARE_WRITE or FILE_SHARE_READ, Nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); } // Also this one // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10154878/delphi-hid-in-delphi7-and-delphi-xe2 // is a good explanation how we can get info on devices function getGUIDevHandle(s: string; paths: Tstringlist): dword; var GD: TGUID; devInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; devInterfaceData: SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA; functionClassDeviceData: PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData; requiredLength: dword; deviceNumber: integer; hwDeviceInfo: hDevInfo; predictedLength: cardinal; ok: boolean; path: string; begin result := 0; requiredLength := 0; GD := TGUID.Create(s); hwDeviceInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevs(@GD, Nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if (cardinal(hwDeviceInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin deviceNumber := 0; devInterfaceData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInterfaceData); while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hwDeviceInfo, Nil, GD, deviceNumber, devInterfaceData)) do begin // SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, Nil, 0, requiredLength, Nil); predictedLength := requiredLength; functionClassDeviceData := PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, predictedLength)); functionClassDeviceData^.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData); // ???? - âńĺ îę devInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInfoData); if (SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, requiredLength, @devInfoData)) then begin path := PAnsiChar(@(functionClassDeviceData^.DevicePath)); // dlog(path); paths.Add(path); end; GlobalFree(cardinal(functionClassDeviceData)); Inc(deviceNumber); end; // if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces ( hwDeviceInfo, Nil, GD, deviceNumber, devInterfaceData)) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hwDeviceInfo); end; // if hwDeviceInfo <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then result := 0; end; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; const SEARCH_GUID_STR = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; var i: integer; paths: Tstringlist; begin result := ''; paths := Tstringlist.Create; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); for i := 0 to paths.Count - 1 do begin if lowercase(paths[i]).Contains(lowercase(filterVid)) then // 'vid_05c6' begin result := paths[i]; break; end; end; paths.Free; end; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: Tstringlist; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; // const // SEARCH_GUID_STR = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; begin result := 0; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); result := paths.Count; end; Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; var sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; symbolic_: string; Stillfound: boolean; loopcount: integer; begin result := false; /// log.debug(symbolic); sub := Tstringlist.Create; try Stillfound := true; loopcount := 0; repeat Inc(loopcount); // log.ProgGauge(loopcount, timeout); sub.Clear; FindDeviceList(sub); application.ProcessMessages; if sub.Count > 0 then begin Stillfound := false; for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin application.ProcessMessages; symbolic_ := lowercase(sub[i]); if lowercase(symbolic_) = lowercase(symbolic) then Stillfound := true; end; if Stillfound = false then break; end; sleep(1); until (loopcount >= timeout) or (Stillfound = false); finally sub.Free; end; if Stillfound then // log.debug('Stillfound') else // log.debug('not found'); end; Function getDriverDetails(DeviceDesc: ansistring): string; var ini: Tinifile; windir: string; sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; inf: string; PWindowsDir: array [0 .. 255] of Char; begin // get windows folder GetWindowsDirectory(PWindowsDir, 255); sub := Tstringlist.Create; // sub.Delimiter := '%'; // sub.Text := DeviceDesc; sub.DelimitedText := DeviceDesc; inf := Copy(trim(sub[0]), 2); windir := trim(PWindowsDir) + '\INF\' + inf; // addlog(windir); if fileexists(windir) then begin ini := Tinifile.Create(windir); result := ini.ReadString('Version', 'DriverVer', ''); ini.Free; end; end; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; var sub: Tstringlist; DeviceNamesArray: TUSBDeviceList; i, c, idx, max: integer; reg: TRegistry; Tmp: string; VIDPID: string; begin if trim(SymbolicName) = '' then exit; sub := Tstringlist.Create; try sub.Delimiter := '#'; sub.DelimitedText := lowercase(SymbolicName); { \\?\usb vid_05c6&pid_9008 7&10efe18c&0&1 {a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed } // } if sub.Count > 2 then begin reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1]) then begin if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1] + '\' + sub[2])) then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; result.device := sub[2]; result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Driver := getDriverDetails(result.DeviceDesc); result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; procedure ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(const CurrentKey: HKey; const Subkey, ValueName: string; Strings: Tstrings); var valueType: dword; valueLen: dword; p, buffer: PChar; key: HKey; begin // Clear TStrings // TStrings leeren Strings.Clear; // open the specified key // CurrentKey Schlüssel öffnen if RegOpenKeyEx(CurrentKey, PChar(Subkey), 0, KEY_READ, key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin // retrieve the type and data for a specified value name // Den Typ und Wert des Eintrags Ermitteln. SetLastError(RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, @valueType, nil, @valueLen)); if GetLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS then if valueType = REG_MULTI_SZ then begin GetMem(buffer, valueLen); try // receive the value's data (in an array). // Ein Array von Null-terminierten Strings // wird zurückgegeben RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, nil, PBYTE(buffer), @valueLen); // Add values to stringlist // Werte in String Liste einfügen p := buffer; while p^ <> #0 do begin Strings.Add(p); Inc(p, lstrlen(p) + 1) end finally FreeMem(buffer) end end else raise ERegistryException.Create('Stringlist expected/ String Liste erwartet...') else raise ERegistryException.Create('Cannot Read MULTI_SZ Value/' + 'Kann den MULTI_SZ Wert nicht lesen...'); end; end; function getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(key: string; FriendlyName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; var reg: TRegistry; k: Tstringlist; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; fn: string; hwidcount: integer; begin reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := Tstringlist.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // key := '\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\'; reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); reg.GetKeyNames(k); reg.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k[i] + '\'; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) then begin if reg.ReadString('FriendlyName') = FriendlyName then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; result.device := k[i]; result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Driver := getDriverDetails(result.DeviceDesc); result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); result.HardwareID := Tstringlist.Create; ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(reg.CurrentKey, '', 'HardwareID', result.HardwareID); hwidcount := result.HardwareID.Count; if hwidcount > 0 then begin /// /USB\VID_22D9&PID_202D&MI_01 result.VIDPID := result.HardwareID[1]; result.VIDPID := trim(stringreplace(result.VIDPID, 'USB\', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end; if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; break; end else begin if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and reg.HasSubKeys then begin result := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(ck, FriendlyName); // if rs <> '' then // break; end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; k.Free; end; end; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; begin sub := Tstringlist.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if sub.Count > 0 then begin setlength(result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin result[i] := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname('\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\', sub[i]); // log.addlog(sub[i]); end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; var sub2: Tstringlist; begin result := ''; sub2 := Tstringlist.Create; try sub2.Delimiter := '#'; sub2.DelimitedText := symbolic; if sub2.Count > 2 then result := lowercase(sub2[1]); finally sub2.Free; end; end; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; var sub: Tstringlist; i, Count: integer; USBDeviceInfo: TUSBDeviceInfo; begin sub := Tstringlist.Create; Count := 0; repeat application.ProcessMessages; Inc(Count); // log.Progress(Count, timeout); // FindAvailableCOM(Sub); FindDeviceList(sub, '{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // 4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 if sub.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin USBDeviceInfo := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub[i]); if AnsiContainsStr(USBDeviceInfo.FriendlyName, frindlyname) then begin result := sub[i]; break; end; end; end; sleep(10); until (result <> '') or (Count = timeout); sub.Free; // end; end. 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kvk1989 2 Posted February 29, 2024 unit HW.FindDevice; interface // readonly string string_0 = "{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 } "; // readonly string string_1 = "F72FE0D4-CBCB-407d-8814-9ED673D0DD6B "; // readonly string string_2 = "F72FE0D4-CBCB-407d-8814-9ED673D0DD6B "; // readonly string string_3 = "{146bf252-9f25-4209-a6dd-c45a1180abc4}"; uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, STRUTILS, forms, System.SysUtils, System.Win.Registry, System.Variants, System.Classes, SetupApi2, SetupAPI, inifiles; Type TSetofChars = Set of Char; TWUDFDiagnosticInfo = record HostPid: dword; IoctlTransferMode: dword; RetrievalMode: dword; RwTransferMode: dword; end; TDeviceParameters = record EnumerationRetryCount: dword; PollingPeriod: dword; PortName: ansistring; SymbolicName: string; WUDFDiagnosticInfo: TWUDFDiagnosticInfo; end; TUSBDeviceInfo = record VIDPID: string; Address: dword; Capabilities: dword; ClassGUID: ansistring; ContainerID: ansistring; device: string; DeviceDesc: ansistring; DriverGUID: ansistring; Driver: ansistring; FriendlyName: ansistring; HardwareID: Tstringlist; LocationInformation: ansistring; Mfg: ansistring; Service: ansistring; UpperFilters: string; DeviceParameters: TDeviceParameters; end; TUSBDeviceList = array of TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: Tstringlist; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; implementation uses main; function findFriendlyName(key: string; Port: string): string; var r: TRegistry; k: Tstringlist; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; begin r := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := Tstringlist.Create; r.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); r.GetKeyNames(k); r.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k + '\'; // addlog(ck); if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck + 'Device Parameters') then begin if r.ReadString('PortName') = Port then begin r.CloseKey; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck); rs := r.ReadString('FriendlyName'); break; end end else begin if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and r.HasSubKeys then begin rs := findFriendlyName(ck, Port); if rs <> '' then break; end; end; end; result := rs; finally r.Free; k.Free; end; end; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); var GUID_CAM: TGUID; hDevInfo: Pointer; DeviceInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; successful: BOOL; i: dword; dwSize, dwPropertyRegDataType: dword; szDesc: array [0 .. 1023] of Char; begin list.Clear; GUID_CAM := StringToGUID('{4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // GUID_CAM := StringToGUID('{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // 4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 // 4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 hDevInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevsW(@GUID_CAM, nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT); if dword(hDevInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin i := 0; repeat DeviceInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSP_DevInfo_Data); successful := SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, DeviceInfoData); if successful then begin if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(hDevInfo, @DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, @dwPropertyRegDataType, @szDesc, SizeOf(szDesc), @dwSize)) then begin list.Add(WideCharToString(@szDesc)); // result := result + WideCharToString(@szDesc) + ';'; end; end; Inc(i); until not successful; end; end; // this function based on both: // http://www.delphikingdom.com/asp/answer.asp?IDAnswer=77001 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927475/windows-how-to-enumerate-all-connected-usb-devices-device-path/13928035#13928035 // so we need modify this function and be creative { Result:= CreateFile( functionClassDeviceData^.DevicePath, GENERIC_WRITE or GENERIC_READ, 0, //FILE_SHARE_WRITE or FILE_SHARE_READ, Nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); } // Also this one // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10154878/delphi-hid-in-delphi7-and-delphi-xe2 // is a good explanation how we can get info on devices function getGUIDevHandle(s: string; paths: Tstringlist): dword; var GD: TGUID; devInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; devInterfaceData: SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA; functionClassDeviceData: PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData; requiredLength: dword; deviceNumber: integer; hwDeviceInfo: hDevInfo; predictedLength: cardinal; ok: boolean; path: string; begin result := 0; requiredLength := 0; GD := TGUID.Create(s); hwDeviceInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevs(@GD, Nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if (cardinal(hwDeviceInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin deviceNumber := 0; devInterfaceData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInterfaceData); while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hwDeviceInfo, Nil, GD, deviceNumber, devInterfaceData)) do begin // SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, Nil, 0, requiredLength, Nil); predictedLength := requiredLength; functionClassDeviceData := PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, predictedLength)); functionClassDeviceData^.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData); // ???? - âńĺ îę devInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInfoData); if (SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, requiredLength, @devInfoData)) then begin path := PAnsiChar(@(functionClassDeviceData^.DevicePath)); // dlog(path); paths.Add(path); end; GlobalFree(cardinal(functionClassDeviceData)); Inc(deviceNumber); end; // if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces ( hwDeviceInfo, Nil, GD, deviceNumber, devInterfaceData)) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hwDeviceInfo); end; // if hwDeviceInfo <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then result := 0; end; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; const SEARCH_GUID_STR = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; var i: integer; paths: Tstringlist; begin result := ''; paths := Tstringlist.Create; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); for i := 0 to paths.Count - 1 do begin if lowercase(paths).Contains(lowercase(filterVid)) then // 'vid_05c6' begin result := paths; break; end; end; paths.Free; end; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: Tstringlist; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; // const // SEARCH_GUID_STR = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; begin result := 0; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); result := paths.Count; end; Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; var sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; symbolic_: string; Stillfound: boolean; loopcount: integer; begin result := false; /// log.debug(symbolic); sub := Tstringlist.Create; try Stillfound := true; loopcount := 0; repeat Inc(loopcount); // log.ProgGauge(loopcount, timeout); sub.Clear; FindDeviceList(sub); application.ProcessMessages; if sub.Count > 0 then begin Stillfound := false; for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin application.ProcessMessages; symbolic_ := lowercase(sub); if lowercase(symbolic_) = lowercase(symbolic) then Stillfound := true; end; if Stillfound = false then break; end; sleep(1); until (loopcount >= timeout) or (Stillfound = false); finally sub.Free; end; if Stillfound then // log.debug('Stillfound') else // log.debug('not found'); end; Function getDriverDetails(DeviceDesc: ansistring): string; var ini: Tinifile; windir: string; sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; inf: string; PWindowsDir: array [0 .. 255] of Char; begin // get windows folder GetWindowsDirectory(PWindowsDir, 255); sub := Tstringlist.Create; // sub.Delimiter := '%'; // sub.Text := DeviceDesc; sub.DelimitedText := DeviceDesc; inf := Copy(trim(sub[0]), 2); windir := trim(PWindowsDir) + '\INF\' + inf; // addlog(windir); if fileexists(windir) then begin ini := Tinifile.Create(windir); result := ini.ReadString('Version', 'DriverVer', ''); ini.Free; end; end; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; var sub: Tstringlist; DeviceNamesArray: TUSBDeviceList; i, c, idx, max: integer; reg: TRegistry; Tmp: string; VIDPID: string; begin if trim(SymbolicName) = '' then exit; sub := Tstringlist.Create; try sub.Delimiter := '#'; sub.DelimitedText := lowercase(SymbolicName); { \\?\usb vid_05c6&pid_9008 7&10efe18c&0&1 {a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed } // } if sub.Count > 2 then begin reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1]) then begin if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1] + '\' + sub[2])) then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; result.device := sub[2]; result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Driver := getDriverDetails(result.DeviceDesc); result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; procedure ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(const CurrentKey: HKey; const Subkey, ValueName: string; Strings: Tstrings); var valueType: dword; valueLen: dword; p, buffer: PChar; key: HKey; begin // Clear TStrings // TStrings leeren Strings.Clear; // open the specified key // CurrentKey Schlüssel öffnen if RegOpenKeyEx(CurrentKey, PChar(Subkey), 0, KEY_READ, key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin // retrieve the type and data for a specified value name // Den Typ und Wert des Eintrags Ermitteln. SetLastError(RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, @valueType, nil, @valueLen)); if GetLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS then if valueType = REG_MULTI_SZ then begin GetMem(buffer, valueLen); try // receive the value's data (in an array). // Ein Array von Null-terminierten Strings // wird zurückgegeben RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, nil, PBYTE(buffer), @valueLen); // Add values to stringlist // Werte in String Liste einfügen p := buffer; while p^ <> #0 do begin Strings.Add(p); Inc(p, lstrlen(p) + 1) end finally FreeMem(buffer) end end else raise ERegistryException.Create('Stringlist expected/ String Liste erwartet...') else raise ERegistryException.Create('Cannot Read MULTI_SZ Value/' + 'Kann den MULTI_SZ Wert nicht lesen...'); end; end; function getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(key: string; FriendlyName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; var reg: TRegistry; k: Tstringlist; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; fn: string; hwidcount: integer; begin reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := Tstringlist.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // key := '\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\'; reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); reg.GetKeyNames(k); reg.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k + '\'; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) then begin if reg.ReadString('FriendlyName') = FriendlyName then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; result.device := k; result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása result.Driver := getDriverDetails(result.DeviceDesc); result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); result.HardwareID := Tstringlist.Create; ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(reg.CurrentKey, '', 'HardwareID', result.HardwareID); hwidcount := result.HardwareID.Count; if hwidcount > 0 then begin /// /USB\VID_22D9&PID_202D&MI_01 result.VIDPID := result.HardwareID[1]; result.VIDPID := trim(stringreplace(result.VIDPID, 'USB\', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end; if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; break; end else begin if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and reg.HasSubKeys then begin result := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(ck, FriendlyName); // if rs <> '' then // break; end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; k.Free; end; end; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: Tstringlist; i: integer; begin sub := Tstringlist.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if sub.Count > 0 then begin setlength(result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin result := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname('\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\', sub); // log.addlog(sub); end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; var sub2: Tstringlist; begin result := ''; sub2 := Tstringlist.Create; try sub2.Delimiter := '#'; sub2.DelimitedText := symbolic; if sub2.Count > 2 then result := lowercase(sub2[1]); finally sub2.Free; end; end; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; var sub: Tstringlist; i, Count: integer; USBDeviceInfo: TUSBDeviceInfo; begin sub := Tstringlist.Create; Count := 0; repeat application.ProcessMessages; Inc(Count); // log.Progress(Count, timeout); // FindAvailableCOM(Sub); FindDeviceList(sub, '{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // 4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 if sub.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin USBDeviceInfo := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub); if AnsiContainsStr(USBDeviceInfo.FriendlyName, frindlyname) then begin result := sub; break; end; end; end; sleep(10); until (result <> '') or (Count = timeout); sub.Free; // end; end. 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Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted February 29, 2024 Your formatting is all messed up, please fix it. Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 1, 2024 17 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said: Your formatting is all messed up, please fix it. unit HW.FindDevice; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, STRUTILS, forms, System.SysUtils, System.Win.Registry, System.Variants, System.Classes, SetupApi2, SetupAPI, inifiles; Type TSetofChars = Set of Char; TWUDFDiagnosticInfo = record HostPid: DWORD; IoctlTransferMode: DWORD; RetrievalMode: DWORD; RwTransferMode: DWORD; end; TDeviceParameters = record EnumerationRetryCount: DWORD; PollingPeriod: DWORD; PortName: AnsiString; SymbolicName: string; WUDFDiagnosticInfo: TWUDFDiagnosticInfo; end; TUSBDeviceInfo = record VIDPID: string; Address: DWORD; Capabilities: DWORD; ClassGUID: AnsiString; ContainerID: AnsiString; device: string; DeviceDesc: AnsiString; DriverGUID: AnsiString; Driver: AnsiString; FriendlyName: AnsiString; HardwareID: TStringList; LocationInformation: AnsiString; Mfg: AnsiString; Service: AnsiString; UpperFilters: string; DeviceParameters: TDeviceParameters; end; TUSBDeviceList = array of TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: TStringList; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; function ContainsMediaTekPort(PortName: string): boolean; implementation uses main; procedure Log(const Msg: string); var LogFile: TextFile; begin AssignFile(LogFile, 'DebugLog.txt'); if FileExists('DebugLog.txt') then Append(LogFile) else Rewrite(LogFile); Writeln(LogFile, Msg); CloseFile(LogFile); end; function ContainsMediaTekPort(PortName: string): boolean; begin Result := Pos('MediaTek USB Port_V1633', PortName) > 0; if Result then Log('MediaTek port found: ' + PortName) else Log('MediaTek port not found: ' + PortName); end; Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: TStringList; i: integer; begin sub := TStringList.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if sub.Count > 0 then begin SetLength(Result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin if ContainsMediaTekPort(sub[i]) then Result[i] := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub[i]) else Result[i] := Default (TUSBDeviceInfo); end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; function findFriendlyName(key: string; Port: string): string; var r: TRegistry; k: TStringList; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; begin r := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := TStringList.Create; r.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); r.GetKeyNames(k); r.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k[i] + '\'; // addlog(ck); if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck + 'Device Parameters') then begin if r.ReadString('PortName') = Port then begin r.CloseKey; r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck); rs := r.ReadString('FriendlyName'); break; end end else begin if r.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and r.HasSubKeys then begin rs := findFriendlyName(ck, Port); if rs <> '' then break; end; end; end; Result := rs; finally r.Free; k.Free; end; end; Procedure FindAvailableCOM(list: Tstrings); var GUID_CAM: TGUID; hDevInfo: Pointer; DeviceInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; successful: BOOL; i: DWORD; dwSize, dwPropertyRegDataType: DWORD; szDesc: array [0 .. 1023] of Char; begin list.Clear; GUID_CAM := StringToGUID('{4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); hDevInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevsW(@GUID_CAM, nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT); if DWORD(hDevInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin i := 0; repeat DeviceInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSP_DevInfo_Data); successful := SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, DeviceInfoData); if successful then begin if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(hDevInfo, @DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, @dwPropertyRegDataType, @szDesc, SizeOf(szDesc), @dwSize)) then begin list.Add(WideCharToString(@szDesc)); end; end; Inc(i); until not successful; end; end; function getGUIDevHandle(s: string; paths: TStringList): DWORD; var GD: TGUID; devInfoData: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; devInterfaceData: SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA; functionClassDeviceData: PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData; requiredLength: DWORD; deviceNumber: integer; hwDeviceInfo: hDevInfo; predictedLength: cardinal; ok: boolean; path: string; begin Result := 0; requiredLength := 0; GD := TGUID.Create(s); hwDeviceInfo := SetupDiGetClassDevs(@GD, Nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if (cardinal(hwDeviceInfo) <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin deviceNumber := 0; devInterfaceData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInterfaceData); while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hwDeviceInfo, Nil, GD, deviceNumber, devInterfaceData)) do begin SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, Nil, 0, requiredLength, Nil); predictedLength := requiredLength; functionClassDeviceData := PSPInterfaceDeviceDetailData (GlobalAlloc(GPTR, predictedLength)); functionClassDeviceData^.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData); // ???? - âñå îê devInfoData.cbSize := SizeOf(devInfoData); if (SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, @devInterfaceData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, requiredLength, @devInfoData)) then begin path := PAnsiChar(@(functionClassDeviceData^.DevicePath)); // dlog(path); paths.Add(path); end; GlobalFree(cardinal(functionClassDeviceData)); Inc(deviceNumber); end; SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hwDeviceInfo); end; if Result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Result := 0; end; Function FindDevice(filterVid: string = ''): string; const SEARCH_GUID_STR = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; var i: integer; paths: TStringList; begin Result := ''; paths := TStringList.Create; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); for i := 0 to paths.Count - 1 do begin if lowercase(paths[i]).Contains(lowercase(filterVid)) then // 'vid_05c6' begin Result := paths[i]; break; end; end; paths.Free; end; Function FindDeviceList(var paths: TStringList; SEARCH_GUID_STR: string = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'): integer; begin Result := 0; getGUIDevHandle(SEARCH_GUID_STR, paths); Result := paths.Count; end; Function WaitDeviceDisconnected(symbolic: string; timeout: integer = 3000): boolean; var sub: TStringList; i: integer; symbolic_: string; Stillfound: boolean; loopcount: integer; begin Result := false; /// log.debug(symbolic); sub := TStringList.Create; try Stillfound := true; loopcount := 0; repeat Inc(loopcount); // log.ProgGauge(loopcount, timeout); sub.Clear; FindDeviceList(sub); application.ProcessMessages; if sub.Count > 0 then begin Stillfound := false; for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin application.ProcessMessages; symbolic_ := lowercase(sub[i]); if lowercase(symbolic_) = lowercase(symbolic) then Stillfound := true; end; if Stillfound = false then break; end; sleep(1); until (loopcount >= timeout) or (Stillfound = false); finally sub.Free; end; if Stillfound then // log.debug('Stillfound') else // log.debug('not found'); end; Function getDriverDetails(DeviceDesc: AnsiString): string; var ini: Tinifile; windir: string; sub: TStringList; i: integer; inf: string; PWindowsDir: array [0 .. 255] of Char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(PWindowsDir, 255); sub := TStringList.Create; sub.DelimitedText := DeviceDesc; inf := Copy(trim(sub[0]), 2); windir := trim(PWindowsDir) + '\INF\' + inf; if FileExists(windir) then begin ini := Tinifile.Create(windir); Result := ini.ReadString('Version', 'DriverVer', ''); ini.Free; end; end; Function getUSBDeviceInfo(SymbolicName: string): TUSBDeviceInfo; var sub: TStringList; DeviceNamesArray: TUSBDeviceList; i, c, idx, max: integer; reg: TRegistry; Tmp: string; VIDPID: string; begin if trim(SymbolicName) = '' then exit; sub := TStringList.Create; try sub.Delimiter := '#'; sub.DelimitedText := lowercase(SymbolicName); if sub.Count > 2 then begin reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1]) then begin if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\' + sub[1] + '\' + sub[2])) then begin Result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; Result.device := sub[2]; Result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.Driver := getDriverDetails(Result.DeviceDesc); Result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); Result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin Result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin Result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; procedure ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(const CurrentKey: HKey; const Subkey, ValueName: string; Strings: Tstrings); var valueType: DWORD; valueLen: DWORD; p, buffer: PChar; key: HKey; begin Strings.Clear; if RegOpenKeyEx(CurrentKey, PChar(Subkey), 0, KEY_READ, key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin SetLastError(RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, @valueType, nil, @valueLen)); if GetLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS then if valueType = REG_MULTI_SZ then begin GetMem(buffer, valueLen); try RegQueryValueEx(key, PChar(ValueName), nil, nil, PBYTE(buffer), @valueLen); p := buffer; while p^ <> #0 do begin Strings.Add(p); Inc(p, lstrlen(p) + 1) end finally FreeMem(buffer) end end else raise ERegistryException.Create ('Stringlist expected/ String Liste erwartet...') else raise ERegistryException.Create('Cannot Read MULTI_SZ Value/' + 'Kann den MULTI_SZ Wert nicht lesen...'); end; end; function getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(key: string; FriendlyName: string) : TUSBDeviceInfo; var reg: TRegistry; k: TStringList; i: integer; ck: string; rs: string; fn: string; hwidcount: integer; begin reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); k := TStringList.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(key); reg.GetKeyNames(k); reg.CloseKey; try for i := 0 to k.Count - 1 do begin ck := key + k[i] + '\'; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) then begin if reg.ReadString('FriendlyName') = FriendlyName then begin Result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := ''; Result.device := k[i]; Result.LocationInformation := reg.ReadString('LocationInformation'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.DeviceDesc := reg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.ClassGUID := reg.ReadString('ClassGUID'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.ContainerID := reg.ReadString('ContainerID'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.FriendlyName := reg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.Service := reg.ReadString('Service'); // Az eszköz leírása Result.Driver := getDriverDetails(Result.DeviceDesc); Result.DriverGUID := reg.ReadString('Driver'); Result.Mfg := reg.ReadString('Mfg'); Result.HardwareID := TStringList.Create; ReadREG_MULTI_SZ(reg.CurrentKey, '', 'HardwareID', Result.HardwareID); hwidcount := Result.HardwareID.Count; if hwidcount > 0 then begin /// /USB\VID_22D9&PID_202D&MI_01 Result.VIDPID := Result.HardwareID[1]; Result.VIDPID := trim(stringreplace(Result.VIDPID, 'USB\', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end; if (reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Device Parameters')) then begin Result.DeviceParameters.PortName := reg.ReadString('PortName'); if reg.ValueExists('SymbolicName') then begin Result.DeviceParameters.SymbolicName := reg.ReadString('SymbolicName'); end; end; break; end else begin if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(ck) and reg.HasSubKeys then begin Result := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname(ck, FriendlyName); // if rs <> '' then // break; end; end; end; end; finally reg.Free; k.Free; end; end; { Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: TStringList; i: integer; begin sub := TStringList.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if sub.Count > 0 then begin SetLength(Result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin Result[i] := getUSBDeviceInfoByFriendlyname ('\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\', sub[i]); // log.addlog(sub[i]); end; end; finally sub.Free; end; end; } Function ExtractVIDPID(symbolic: string): string; var sub2: TStringList; begin Result := ''; sub2 := TStringList.Create; try sub2.Delimiter := '#'; sub2.DelimitedText := symbolic; if sub2.Count > 2 then Result := lowercase(sub2[1]); finally sub2.Free; end; end; Function getPortFirst(frindlyname: string; timeout: integer = 1000): String; var sub: TStringList; i, Count: integer; USBDeviceInfo: TUSBDeviceInfo; begin sub := TStringList.Create; Count := 0; repeat application.ProcessMessages; Inc(Count); // log.Progress(Count, timeout); // FindAvailableCOM(Sub); FindDeviceList(sub, '{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'); // 4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 if sub.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do begin USBDeviceInfo := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub[i]); if AnsiContainsStr(USBDeviceInfo.FriendlyName, frindlyname) then begin Result := sub[i]; break; end; end; end; sleep(10); until (Result <> '') or (Count = timeout); sub.Free; // end; end. 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Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted March 1, 2024 That is a LOT of code to go through, I'm betting most of it is irrelevant to the problem at hand. And it doesn't even include your UI code that is displaying the "not found" error, so I don't even know which portions of this code are actually being exercised. Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 2, 2024 12 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said: That is a LOT of code to go through, I'm betting most of it is irrelevant to the problem at hand. And it doesn't even include your UI code that is displaying the "not found" error, so I don't even know which portions of this code are actually being exercised. procedure TForm13.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var Ports: TUSBDeviceList; MediaTekPortFound: Boolean; i: Integer; begin MediaTekPortFound := False; Ports := FindPorts; for i := 0 to Length(Ports) - 1 do begin if ContainsMediaTekPort(Ports[i].DeviceParameters.PortName) then begin MediaTekPortFound := True; LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port found: ' + Ports[i].DeviceParameters.PortName); Break; end; end; if MediaTekPortFound then begin ShowMessage('MediaTek port found.'); LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port found.'); end else begin LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port not found.'); ShowMessage('MediaTek port not found.'); end; end; Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted March 2, 2024 (edited) Your getUSBDeviceInfo() function requires a symbolic name containing at least 2 '#' chars in it, but the ports you are testing with don't have any '#' chars in their names at all. When your TButton.OnClick handler calls FindPorts(), it gets the device list and checks each device name with ContainsMediaTekPort(). You are recording the result of that check to the log file, which is why you see the device being found. And then, if a matching name is found then the subsequent call to getUSBDeviceInfo() fails to parse the device name, thus skipping the retrieval of that device's info from the Registry. Your OnClick handler is then looping through the returned device array, checking each device's PortName for the device name (which in of itself is wrong since the PortName is different than the device name), and since the PortName was never being populated, that is why you see the "not found" error. You should have been able to discover this problem for yourself if you had stepped through your code with the debugger line-by-line and noticed that getUSBDeviceInfo() was never reading from the Registry. You need to fix this parsing problem so that getUSBDeviceInfo() actually returns the data you are expecting. Aside from that, just from a design perspective, I would strongly recommend changing FindPorts() to NOT include 'default' entries in the returned array. When you are filtering for a specific type of port, that is all you should be returning, eg: Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: TStringList; i: integer; begin sub := TStringList.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if Filter <> '' then begin for i := sub.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if Pos(Filter, sub[i]) = 0 then sub.Delete(i); end; end; SetLength(Result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do Result[i] := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub[i]); finally sub.Free; end; end; ... procedure TForm13.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var Ports: TUSBDeviceList; begin Ports := FindPorts('MediaTek USB Port_V1633'); if Length(Ports) > 0 then begin LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port found: ' + Ports[0].DeviceParameters.PortName); ShowMessage('MediaTek port found.'); end else begin LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port not found.'); ShowMessage('MediaTek port not found.'); end; end; Now, all of that being said, I do also notice a number of other mistakes and general problems with the code you have provided, such as lack of adequate error handling, use of incorrect data types, etc. It could really benefit from a good code review and cleanup in general. Edited March 2, 2024 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 3, 2024 17 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said: Your getUSBDeviceInfo() function requires a symbolic name containing at least 2 '#' chars in it, but the ports you are testing with don't have any '#' chars in their names at all. When your TButton.OnClick handler calls FindPorts(), it gets the device list and checks each device name with ContainsMediaTekPort(). You are recording the result of that check to the log file, which is why you see the device being found. And then, if a matching name is found then the subsequent call to getUSBDeviceInfo() fails to parse the device name, thus skipping the retrieval of that device's info from the Registry. Your OnClick handler is then looping through the returned device array, checking each device's PortName for the device name (which in of itself is wrong since the PortName is different than the device name), and since the PortName was never being populated, that is why you see the "not found" error. You should have been able to discover this problem for yourself if you had stepped through your code with the debugger line-by-line and noticed that getUSBDeviceInfo() was never reading from the Registry. You need to fix this parsing problem so that getUSBDeviceInfo() actually returns the data you are expecting. Aside from that, just from a design perspective, I would strongly recommend changing FindPorts() to NOT include 'default' entries in the returned array. When you are filtering for a specific type of port, that is all you should be returning, eg: Function FindPorts(Filter: string = ''): TUSBDeviceList; var sub: TStringList; i: integer; begin sub := TStringList.Create; try FindAvailableCOM(sub); if Filter <> '' then begin for i := sub.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if Pos(Filter, sub[i]) = 0 then sub.Delete(i); end; end; SetLength(Result, sub.Count); for i := 0 to sub.Count - 1 do Result[i] := getUSBDeviceInfo(sub[i]); finally sub.Free; end; end; ... procedure TForm13.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var Ports: TUSBDeviceList; begin Ports := FindPorts('MediaTek USB Port_V1633'); if Length(Ports) > 0 then begin LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port found: ' + Ports[0].DeviceParameters.PortName); ShowMessage('MediaTek port found.'); end else begin LogPortCheckingInfo('MediaTek port not found.'); ShowMessage('MediaTek port not found.'); end; end; Now, all of that being said, I do also notice a number of other mistakes and general problems with the code you have provided, such as lack of adequate error handling, use of incorrect data types, etc. It could really benefit from a good code review and cleanup in general. thanks ! can i upload here full project ? Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 590 Posted March 3, 2024 If you are attempting to locate COM ports on Windows, I suggest you use the Magenta Serial Port Detection Component from https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/maghardware.asp It has an event that triggers as ports arrive and disappear. It returns an array with information about each port, and whether enabled or hidden: COM1, Enabled=Y, Communications Port (COM1), (Standard port types), Serial0, ACPI\VEN_PNP&DEV_0501, COM2, Enabled=Y, PCIe to High Speed Serial Port (COM2), ASIX Electronics Corporation, StnSerial0, MCS9950MF\STN_CASCADE_COM, COM3, Enabled=Y, PCIe to High Speed Serial Port (COM3), ASIX Electronics Corporation, StnSerial1, MCS9950MF\STN_CASCADE_COM, COM4, Enabled=Y, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM4), Prolific, ProlificSerial0, USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0004.Hub_#0007 COM5, Enabled=Y, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM5), Prolific, ProlificSerial1, USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0001.Hub_#0007 COM6, Enabled=Y, Conexant USB CX93010 ACF Modem, Conexant, USBSER000, USB\VID_0572&PID_1329&REV_0100, Port_#0007.Hub_#0001 COM7, Enabled=Y, USB Serial Device (COM7), Microsoft, USBSER000, USB\VID_1546&PID_01A8&REV_0201, Port_#0002.Hub_#0007 Angus Share this post Link to post