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ChatGPT - Plugins removed - Still available until 19.04.24 perhaps

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Hi there,

as you have might have noticed, the ChatGPT PluginStore is already removed and will be completely shut off soon.

Winding down the Plugins-Beta



Users will be able to continue existing plugin conversations until April 9, 2024.
New conversations with plugins can no longer be created as of March 19, 2024.

Nevertheless, there is still an option to run ChatGPT with Plugins up to now:





Hope that helps anyone.


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I've not been following this, but it seems what they're saying is "the beta-test is ending" and they've got a slightly different way of naming things now.


BTW, can you recommend any resources that discuss different aspects of writing prompts? I mean, are there any clear patterns defined for "prompt", "meta-prompt" and so on? They seem to be a combination of "macros" and "procedures". Most of what I find is just long lists of different types of prompts that people have written. 

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Yes, they already removed the plugins from the Pro plan.
With the tip above you could at least still reach them ( not sure for how long).


If you look for prompt design tipps, I haven't looked recently.
I think its always good to check current state, since this might change daily.
A good start would be at OpenAI's instruction perhaps:

Here is some interesting training site, how to improve your prompt skills learning by doing,
but I doubt this is nothing more than a nice toy for fun:


Edited by Rollo62

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