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Hey folks, I successfully used the ICS REST client component a few months ago with some generous help from Angus, but have now been tasked with writing a REST server. This server would be able to take a number of different simultaneous requests for information as well as receive files and send files (essentially, like an FTP server but using HTTP as the transport mechanism).

Is there any advantage in trying to do this via ICS (Is there a component for this? I see a TSimpleWebSrv.) , or should I just use the built-in HTTP App generator in C++ Builder? 


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REST server is just another name for a web server that support API type requests as well as web pages and media.  


Start with the sample OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ which is effectively a complete web server, and add code for your specific APIs and probably authentication.   Most servers are run as Windows services, so OverbyteIcsDDWebService is almost the same but can be run as a GUI or installed as a service. 


Both samples also include websockets which can be useful for simple API requests with less overhead than HTTP. 




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