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Attempting to create working C++ Builder 12 projects

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Hey folks, it's clear that the installation projects that ship with v9.2 for C++ builder don't work. I'm trying to figure out how I can fix them so I can contribute them back to the community, but the 12.x projects seem completely at odds with the older ones.


Even though the new project files are called ICSXXXXXCBNewRun and IcsXXXXXCBNewDesign, there are still references to icsCommonCB110Run and icsCommonCB110Design in the project files (specifically the "requires" sections).


In addition, if I look at the IcsCommonCB110Run.cbproj (from v8.x) . the "Contains" section has a ton of .pas files. In IcsCommonCBNewRun.cbproj file, there are only 5 .dcr files, and no .pas files.


Am I meant to install v8.X first (thereby creating the icsCommonCB110*.files), or are the project files for C++ Builder 9.2 just really incorrect? I've never installed/written components before, so am a little sketchy on how exactly this should be working. But I am noticing enormous inconsistencies between the 8.x and 9.2 projects. It would seem odd to me that I might have to install a prior version to then install a later version.


Thanks for any guidance you can provide.


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As has been mentioned once or twice, no-one supporting ICS does C++. 


So when I make changes, I try to keep C++ working, but without being able to test anything error occur.   


10,4 and later only use 'New' packages which have $auto suffiux so work with all new compilers, avoiding all this messing with versions.  So all those 110 references should be New. 


When you have it working, please zip and email me any changed or new files, so I can update SVN.  Probably best to discuss problems by email rather than here, my email is in many source files.




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Thanks Angus, after this e-mail I'll direct any questions to you via e-mail. I knew that nobody is supporting ICS for C++ which is why I thought I'd step up. Do you think I'm better off starting with the v8.X project files and modifying them (because they worked), or starting from the 9.x ones and attempting to figure out what's missing, because they seem fairly materially different (e.g. the icsCommonNewCBRun.cbproj is missing all the .pas files entirely)?


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