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Ian Branch

Display a conditional message on data change...

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Posted (edited)

Hi Team,

I want to display a conditional message on data change.

The condition tests a couple of fields in the record and if the test is True then a message is displayed.

I currently have relevant code in the Table DataChange event.

Unfortunately, the message is displayed on every occurrance when a record is selected past other records that the condition is true.  😞

How can I get this to work/show only when the the data changing has stopped and the selected record is visible to the User?



Edited by Ian Branch

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One suggestion would be to use a timer that is reset in OnDataChange. I've done something similar when implementing an incremental search, using the OnChange event of a TEdit for example.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, JonRobertson said:

using the OnChange event of a TEdit for example.

Tks.  I added the functionality to the InChange of a Read-Only DBEdit on the Form and it works perfectly.



Edited by Ian Branch

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