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How to use FireDAC TFDMetaInfoQuery component?

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At runtime, I need to discover the structure of a MySQL table (Field names, types, sizes and more]. FireDAC TFDMetaInfoQuery component is supposed to do that but it doesn't work as expected. I got this error message:

[FireDAC][Phys][MySQL]-339. A meta data argument [table type name] value must be specified. Don't tell me to use the auto-created fields.


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Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Dmitry Arefiev said:

show your code to query meta-data

Just a single line:


TFDMetaInfoQuery is connected at design time to a TFDConnection. The same connection is used for several TFDQuery and every request works file.
Extract from the DFM:

object FDMetaInfoQuery1: TFDMetaInfoQuery
  Connection = FDConnection1
  MataInfoKind = mkTableTypeFields
  TableKinds = [tkTable]
  SchemaName = 'MySchema'
  Left = 328
  Top = 64


Edited by FPiette

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In your example you are missing the ObjectName property it must contain the name of the table that you are querying the fields information.

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58 minutes ago, Lajos Juhász said:

ObjectName property it must contain the name of the table that you are querying the fields information

That was it.


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