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Eric Bonilha

Buffered Byte Count for SSL Socket

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ICS Socket currently has a property called BufferedByteCount which provides the amount of bytes that are still buffered to be sent via the socket. This property is particularly useful for us.. But if the socket is an SSL socket, this property doesn't work because the data is added to a different buffer for sending.
In my source code I added a new property SslBufferedByteCount which is linked to the SSL buffer to sending data. I would like to ask the authors here if they would add a property like this to the official source, so we don't have to keep modifying the sources every time there is a new release





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Must say I've never used BufferedByteCount myself, don't think it's used in any ICS components. 


But if an SSL version is useful, please email your changed unit and it will be added, please make sure you update the latest version from SVN.  My email is in many units.




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