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Android upcoming 16 KB page sizes support

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From the official docs:


Beginning with Android 15, Android supports devices that are configured to use a page size of 16 KB (16 KB devices). If your app uses any NDK libraries, either directly or indirectly through an SDK, then you will need to rebuild your app for it to work on these 16 KB devices.

Given that FMX Android apps are served as native code I suspect this change could mean something that Embarcadero should check carefully. Luckily the same page offers links on how to test an app on a 16 KB environment (emulator), so I did with a blank FMX app and...

libc  Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 0x7d7f34f39000 in tid 5935

Yes, the app crashes at startup, but it works on a non-16 KB emulator. Maybe is too early to tackle this problem yet (no 16 KB devices on the wild afaik), but given that this change could be complex (update NDK?) and take a while (Delphi 13?) I hope there is something devs can do to fix this on our own with what we have at hand (i.e. Delphi 12.x).


As a side note I tested this on an Android emulator running on a Mac with M2 chip as ARM emulation is no longer possible on Windows.

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