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Android: Minimal app seems to require: "android.permission.INTERNET"

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Hi there,

I'm doing some R&D with a minimal app, trying to get some insights on growing festure sets.
My system is Delphi D12.1, Android 14, App in DEBUG mode, MinimalApp with TLayout, TLabel and TMemo - not using any other hardware or library yet.
There I see sudden exception on startup, quite sporadic, just by changing the permissions and uses-features, and I wanted to find a deeper reason or explanation for this.

What I found, even if I completely remove all permissions by hand from the *.dproj, from all "_Base" and sub positions ( = not any SUP_INTERNET ).
There is no more AUP_... in the file, nor any checkbox in the Permissions Options, and no permission in the Android.Manifest.template.xml either.

    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''">
        <AUP_INTERNET>true</AUP_INTERNET>  //<== Removed even this line, and any other AUP: in this file

But still, the IDE generated an INTERNET permission in the manifest file

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="34" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

So why is INTERNET always there, is this because of "Mobile" app is kindof "Internet", or what?
Is this a BUG or a FEATURE?


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15 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

So why is INTERNET always there, is this because of "Mobile" app is kindof "Internet", or what?
Is this a BUG or a FEATURE?

A bit of speculation on my part, but it's possibly a hangover from when Delphi required gdbserver for debugging. The Internet permission is a bit of a misnomer, since it "Allows applications to open network sockets". This part I know from when debugging was broken in Android 8: There is a private IP network between the IDE and gdbserver


  • Thanks 1

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I've tried the same minimal app in RELEASE, and YES, the INTERNET permission is gone.
Your answer can be a good explanation to what happens, so I would note to myself
that android.permission.INTERNET => is required always, in DEBUG mode.

This would make sense and that would be a good explanation, unless there is another hidden requirement lurking around the next corner.

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