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TComponent.Create() equivalent in Python script?

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I'm playing around with Demo31, its very neat that we can do things like this in the .py script:

mytestform = CreateComponent("TForm", None)
mytestform.Caption = 'Hello Delphi-PRAXIS'
mytestform.Height = 1000

However, it would be even cooler if it was possible to use the Pascal style of creation:

mytestform = TForm.Create()

Unfortunately, playing around with the DelphilWrapper classes hasn't lead to anything working; I've tried things like these






Is there any way of registering Delphi classes, such that the someclass.Create() syntax would work in a .py script?


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You can create instances of classes in the "pythonic" way:


myform = Form()


TForm.Create() is not supported (TForm is exposed in python as Form).

Edited by pyscripter

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