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Retrieve Json frame

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I am using the ICS TWSocketServer to communicate between a delphi application and a collection of React applications embedded in Edge browsers.


The websocket server is running in the delphi application as are the React web applications.


When one of the React applications attempts to connect with the websocket server it sends a json frame with some information needed for authentication.


I am able to extract the header information but I cannot figure out how to get the json.


Could someone help me?


Richard Maley

Edited by CoeurdeLeon

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If you really mean the websocket protocol and not HTTP, there are no header or bodies or protocol, once a websocket is open there is simply a two way TCP stream, and you can send what you like. 


That stream arrives at the server in the ClientWSFrameRcvdEvent as a string packet and TWebSocketReceivedFrame to tell what typer of data is arriving (text, binary, or closing), it's up to the developer to decide how to interpret that data.




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