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Parallelize Regex

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Hello, I just started studying the OmniThreadLibrary library, but I can’t figure out how to parallelize this Regex procedure ?


procedure pars(const Regex: TRegEx; const str: string);
Match: TMatch;
Match := Regex.Match(str);
//Parallel.ForEach(???).Execute( ???????????????
while Match.Success do
Match := Match.NextMatch;


Edited by Celebr0

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Parallelizing works well if you can break your overall job into multiple independent tasks, and each task can operate independently of the results of the other task. If the tasks depend on each other in any way, it becomes quite complex quite quickly, generally having to introduce locking and communication mechanisms.


In the case of RegEx parsing, how would you break your overall search into multiple independent searches. I dont see an easy way to do this. Each match depends on the results of previous matches. I am not saying it cannot be done, someone might have thought of something extremely clever, but its going to be complicated I think.

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