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My sLineBreak is not working

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I have a program and there is a Edit box and a few buttons. When the program is run, I want to be able to press a button called Show Values and then you will see two lines of code: The value of x is: 6, and The value of y is 7. But I want each line to print on a new line.

So I put an sLineBreak in there but it's not working. The second line is just printing after the first line. It should look like this:


The value of x is 6

The value of y is 7


Here is my code so far:

procedure TFormIncrementAndDecrement.ButtonShowValuesClick(Sender: TObject);
    x, y: integer;
  x := 6;
  y := 7;

  EditResult.Text := 'The value of x is: ' + IntToStr(x) + sLineBreak;
  EditResult.Text :=  EditResult.Text + 'The value of y is: ' + IntToStr(y);


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Thank You, that is working much better. But when I run my program the words MemoResult show in the Memo control. How do I get rid of them? I've looked in the Object Inspector and I don't see a way to remove them from the Memo contol.

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21 minutes ago, 357mag said:

Object Inspector and I don't see a way to remove them from the Memo contol.

It is in lines property,

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In your example, it would be better to use the Lines.Add() method rather than the Text property, then you don't have to worry about using sLineBreak at all, or wasting time and resources to read the Text, append to it, and assign it back.

procedure TFormIncrementAndDecrement.ButtonShowValuesClick(Sender: TObject);
  x, y: integer;
  x := 6;
  y := 7;

  MemoResult.Lines.Add('The value of x is: ' + IntToStr(x));
  MemoResult.Lines.Add('The value of y is: ' + IntToStr(y));


Edited by Remy Lebeau
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