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I fixed the DPI errors in the CodeLibrarian Search dialog

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On my HighDPI monitor the CodeLibrarian Search dialog was still broken in r4431, so I fixed it:




This should now work with all DPI settings on the end user side, as it now uses a Manifest in modern Delphi 12 Athens instead of a custom "InitDpiScaler":

constructor TfmCodeSearch.Create(_Owner: TComponent);
  //InitDpiScaler; // now using Manifest in Delphi 12

fmCodeSearch.Scaled := True; // Set in Object Inspector



I've also modernized the LAYOUT from StoneAge Layout (simply place components anywhere without layout considerations) to Modern Layout (use Align and AlignWithMargins properties).


Here is the new source of the Search dialog:




Edited by PeterPanettone

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Sorry, but I cannot accept this as a patch. This is not compatible to older Delphi versions.

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31 minutes ago, dummzeuch said:

Sorry, but I cannot accept this as a patch. This is not compatible to older Delphi versions.

I clearly said this is for Delphi 12 Athens. Using just a few compiler conditional directives, you can restrict any code to specific newer Delphi versions, for example:

{$IF CompilerVersion >= 36.1}
  // Code for Delphi 12.1 or later
  {$MESSAGE WARN 'Only for modern Delphi versions'}
  // code for older Delphi versions


Edited by PeterPanettone

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2 hours ago, PeterPanettone said:

I clearly said this is for Delphi 12 Athens. Using just a few compiler conditional directives, you can restrict any code to specific newer Delphi versions,

OK, so, where would you put the IFDEF for this?

4 hours ago, PeterPanettone said:

fmCodeSearch.Scaled := True; // Set in Object Inspector


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Hm I don't see any scaling issue with this dialog. It looks fine with 125% scaling and rescales properly when I move it between displays with 125% and 100% scaling. I guess that's another case where it works fine with my setup but does not with other people's.


Let me guess: You have one or more displays with a scaling > 100% but all displays set to the same.


Edit: Yes, if I only use my HighDPI display, I can reproduce it.

Edited by dummzeuch

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