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Keyboard shortcut stolen

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Something seems to have stolen Shift-F9 in my 11.3 IDE. It's extremely annoying because I have a keyboard with function keys on the left, so it is a left-hand-only action which has become automatic. Does anyone have any ideas about who might be the culprit?  

I am aware of tools which claim to display the owner of all shortcuts, but they seem over-complex as well as limited to certain types of shortcut only, so the learning effort might be wasted. Alternatively does anyone know of an IDE plugin which can change the setting? Both my F9 and Shift keys (and I have two of each to choose from on this keyboard) appear normal in a test FormKeyDown event, and F9 on its own works as expected in the IDE.

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Thanks, that was it. I had tried to recall anything new I had installed, but had forgotten a Snagit upgrade last weekend, and also that this probably caught me two years ago when I last upgraded.  Getting too old!

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