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fmx RunTime design

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Posted (edited)

And the question is ?
I don't want to use you exe nor your db file so with only .fmx file (should be great to have .pas and .dpr) review question and if needed archive

Edited by Serge_G

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17 hours ago, linshenghua said:

This is a demonstration of the Dynamic Framework Module Designer

And that is.... what, exactly? It is not a good idea to just post a link to some random code and expect people to understand what you are doing.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said:

And that is.... what, exactly? It is not a good idea to just post a link to some random code and expect people to understand what you are doing.


This one, developed in 2017, is an old technology
It has now been moved to the website


Edited by linshenghua

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Nice, but I still don't understand why it's in this FMX deposit,
or I understand the subject if any.

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