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String Helper for NormalizeString

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I created the following helper method to normalize Unicode strings with different representations of ä, ö, ü:

function TBSStringHelper.Length: Integer;
  Result := TBSStringHelperCaller.Length(Self);

function TBSStringHelper.NormalizeNFC: String;
  bufLen : Integer;
  buffer : PWideChar;
  Result := Self;
  bufLen := NormalizeString(NormalizationC, PWideChar(Self), Length, nil, 0);
  if bufLen > 0 then begin
    GetMem(buffer, bufLen);
      bufLen := NormalizeString(NormalizationC, PWideChar(Self), Length, buffer, bufLen);
      if bufLen > 0 then begin
        Result := buffer;
        SetLength(Result, bufLen);

But when I use this function many times, I get a memory corruption error and at some point an access violation. What is wrong here? I'm on Delphi 11, Update 1.



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What do you get if you do GetLastError?

If you look at the example given on Microsoft's document page for NormalizeString you will see:


const int maxIterations = 10;
LPWSTR strResult = NULL;
HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap();

int iSizeEstimated = NormalizeString(form, strInput, -1, NULL, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
    if (strResult)
        HeapFree(hHeap, 0, strResult);
    strResult = (LPWSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, iSizeEstimated * sizeof (WCHAR));
    iSizeEstimated = NormalizeString(form, strInput, -1, strResult, iSizeEstimated);
    if (iSizeEstimated > 0)
        break; // success 
    if (iSizeEstimated <= 0)
        DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
        if (dwError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) break; // Real error, not buffer error 
        // New guess is negative of the return value. 
        iSizeEstimated = -iSizeEstimated;

It seems the "buffer length required" returned from the first call to NormalizeString is in character length and not byte length because in the example it seems that the buffer is set to a length of the RequiredLength * SizeOf(WChar)


You will also see that the parameters are described as " Length, in characters "


Edited by PeaShooter_OMO

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