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Passing an array parameter to a REST server using Trestrequest

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I'm going round in circles trying to pass an array parameter to a REST server

the required json structure of the params looks like this


  "payment_method": [
  "transaction_type": "SALE",
  "full_name": "Joe Blogs",
  "email":   etc etc


Using a TRESTRequest  adding those parameters with  name : value pairs  is easy.

For the array parameter I've tried the RESTRequest.Params.Options of poFlatArray or poListArray  with various combinations of double quotes commas curly and square braces without success


Any pointers as to how I add the required array parameter gratefully received.


The approach below I found on Stackoverflow looked promising  

but my Delphi (10.4) wont accept a string as the parameter to TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue()   ??

(That's despite the prototype in system.json having a version of ParseJsonValue that does take a string)

var aParam: TRESTRequestParameter;
  aParam := RestReq.Params.AddItem(); //don't care about setting a name for it
  aParam.Value := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue('{"payment_method":["credit-card","open-banking"]}');


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Posted (edited)
  TSendParameter = class
    Fpayment_method: TArray<string>;
    Ftransaction_type: string;
    Ffull_name: string;
    Femail: string;
    property email: string read Femail write Femail;
    property full_name: string read Ffull_name write Ffull_name;
    property payment_method: TArray<string> read Fpayment_method write Fpayment_method;
    property transaction_type: string read Ftransaction_type write Ftransaction_type;
  var par := TSendParameter.Create;
    par.payment_method := TArray<string>.Create('credit-card', 'open-banking');
    par.transaction_type := 'SALE';
    par.full_name := 'Joe Blogs';
    par.email := 'etc etc';


Edited by Uwe Raabe
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Wow  That's marvellous

Thank you 

I'll give it a go.

All the best

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1 hour ago, HGRogers said:

The approach below I found on Stackoverflow looked promising  

but my Delphi (10.4) wont accept a string as the parameter to TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue()   ??

(That's despite the prototype in system.json having a version of ParseJsonValue that does take a string)

Are you sure that is the real error?  ParseJSONValue() does indeed have an overload which takes in a string.  However, the TRESTRequestParameter.Value property is also a string, but ParseJSONValue() returns a TJSONValue object pointer.  So you would need to either just get rid of the TJSONObject entirely:

var aParam: TRESTRequestParameter;
  aParam := RestReq.Params.AddItem(); //don't care about setting a name for it
  aParam.Value := '{"payment_method":["credit-card","open-banking"]}';

Or, convert it to a string:

  aParam: TRESTRequestParameter;
  aObj: TJSONObject;
  aObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONObject('{"payment_method":["credit-card","open-banking"]}') as TJSONObject;
    aParam := RestReq.Params.AddItem(); //don't care about setting a name for it
    aParam.Value := aObj.ToJson;


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Thank you Remy - I've got both approaches working - But As soon as I supply enough parameters to satisfy the API I'm getting a '500 Internal Server Error' code. So not sure where to go from here. Using an echo server rather than the real endpoint I see all the JSON appears well formed and I'm assured by the Server developers that the calls made in their sandbox and live app (which can be tried live via their developers site) are identical to the calls I'm making with Delphi. 

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Posted (edited)


Should anyone embark upon using the blink payment api.

When using TRESTRequest

The Header parameter used for all calls after a Token is obtained is called 'Authorization' not Authentication as shown at 


and it requires poDoNotEncode

e.g. req.Params[0].Value := 'Bearer ' + theAccessToken ;



Edited by HGRogers
missing url

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A quick look into REST.Consts.pas reveals:

  HTTP_HEADERFIELD_AUTH = 'Authorization'; // do not localize

It is used by the TCustomAuthenticator components, which a TRESTClient can be linked to via its Authenticator property. Especially TOAuth2Authenticator comes to mind with TokenType set to ttBEARER and AccessToken set to the proper value.

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I know we are now rather off topic but thanks for the additional insight.

All the best

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