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Stdin and debugging in the IDE

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I've been writing an app that takes a data feed from Stdin, and while I have it working using the code below, which works fine if you are running it on the commandline


ie  sendstuff | MyApp


However I was trying to get the App to run inside the IDE by first piping the output to a file


sendstuff > xxx


and then in the run params having "< xxx", but it doesnt see the input as Stdin and you get a stream size of -1.


Anyone got any ideas how to be ablue to simulate the stdin properly so I can step through the code in the IDE, debugging via writeln really sucks.


Its a windows app atm, will eventually want to expand it so its windows/linux. Im using Delphi 12.2




  StdInHandle: THandle;
  StdInStream: TStream;
  Buffer: TBytes;
  BytesRead: Integer;
  StdInHandle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

// Ensure the handle is valid
  if StdInHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
      WriteErr('Invalid standard input handle.');
    // Wrap the handle in a THandleStream for easier reading
    StdInStream := THandleStream.Create(StdInHandle);

    while StdInStream.Position < StdInStream.Size do
		SetLength(Buffer, StdInStream.Size);
        BytesRead := StdInStream.Read(Buffer, StdInStream.Size);
        // do stuff



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Posted (edited)

At program startup, detect the presence of the debugger (dynamically, or via a command-line parameter) and then use SetStdHandle() to replace STDIN with your own handle to a named pipe or anonymous pipe, and then write your desired debug data to that pipe.


Or better, simply move your logic into a function that takes an input TStream as a parameter, and then decide whether you want to use a THandleStream for STDIN or a TStringStream or TMemoryStream for your debug data.


On a side note - using a 'while (Position < Size)' loop is not a good idea.  You should simply call Read() with a fixed-sized buffer, and let it tell you when it reaches the end of the stream, eg.

SetLength(Buffer, SomeSize);
  BytesRead := StdInStream.Read(Buffer, SomeSize);
  if BytesRead < 1 then Break;
  // do stuff
until False;
Edited by Remy Lebeau
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That a great idea for the handle redirect. And thanks for pointing out the while loop , 




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