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VCL Skia *.svg display dependencies ?

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I just implemented displaying *.svg files via TSkSvg but I'm glad I fairly quickly found out that by doing so the application doesn't start anymore on all the older Windows OS (via VM).

Is there a requirement I'm not aware of ?  A dependency ?

Where is this documented ?
I looked here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/Vcl.Skia

I see no mention of dependables ?  What am I missing ?

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TSkSvg is originally from skia4delphi. Did you enable Skia already? You can do so by right-clicking the project in the Projects view and clicking on "Enable Skia". Sometimes that may not be enough, in which case you'll need to create a startup unit. Read more about it here: https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi?tab=readme-ov-file#enable-skia-render


I failed to see you're talking about VCL, so disregard this message.

Edited by havrlisan

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Hi, yes VCL, c++ Builder 12.2

Adding everything and making it work on my system was easy, but I did not expect the program to crash on startup on every other system I tested.

It only works on my W11 development system

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You need the Skia.dll file with projects using Skia. Check "Project / Deployment wizard" option to see where it's located on your development computer. It should be in the "bin" folder of RAD Studio installation.

See https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Skia4Delphi for other links and infos about using Skia in Delphi or C++Builder.

Edited by Patrick PREMARTIN
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I wish the dll would not be statically linked.  That would allow inclusion of all functionality and if the dll is not present, the functionality would simply not work (similar to an unsupported file being loaded)

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@CyberPeter Tip: When you enable Skia in your project (right-click on the project > Enable Skia), the next time you build the project, the sk4d.dll will be in the output folder along with your .exe.

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Interesting, thanks @vfbb
For the time being at least I have completely disabled support for *.svg since I don't want to statically link to a third party dll.

But good to know.

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