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Steve Maughan

Delphi 12.3 & DevExpress: Installation Issues...

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Due to my rabid enthusiasm for trying the latest release, I installed RAD Studio 12.3 before yesterday's webinar. I was upgrading from 12.2. The previous upgrade from 12.1 was uneventful, so I was hopeful 12.3 would be similar. Initially I really regretted the decision. I got a lot of load errors, mostly to do with DevExpress. The system wouldn't load properly and entered an infinite loop of errors. I reinstalled but still had problems. I then ran the last DevExpress install application and selected the Repair option. This fixed everything. I had to reinstall all the GetIt components but I'm not back up and running. One point to note, the 64 bit IDE doesn't have any of my components loaded, so it really isn't ready for prime time (although the preview is appreciated).


Hope this is helpful!


— Steve 

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The 32 and 64 bits IDE don't share components packages. DevExpress (and other components vendors) have to add the 64 bits version of them in their installers.

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Thanks for your hints. I had no issues regarding DevExpress.

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