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"vertical first" vs. "horizontal first"

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I just got confused because CnWizard uses "vertical first" vs. "horizontal first" differently than I though was correct:


Is "vertical first" really this Horizontal-then-vertical.png.b9aea453f1eed1e94b0b6034b71996a2.png ?

And is "horizontal first" really this vertical-then-horizontal.png.c2dc3959e27e867d951bd6aaccfa5af3.png ?


I would have thought it the opposite.


Edited by dummzeuch

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If you read it as ODER BY ROW, COLUMN it makes sense, but I am not sure that it matches the actual context.

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It might be relevant to remember the authors of the wizard are Chinese who come from a different reading environment than western European. They read top to bottom, right to left. So, like Uwe says, they would think of row-oriented reading as vertical since you read all of row 1, then all of row 2, etc. And that's vertical from their perspective. 

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