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Creating a Shell-Link with hotkey property

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"A Shell link is a data object that contains information used to access another object in the Shell's namespace": Read the whole definition here:




I was searching for a Delphi VCL library allowing me to easily create a Shell-Link with all properties described in the Microsoft documentation:




I found a lot of libraries for this purpose, but most of them were outdated or had some flaws or bugs. Most of the libraries lacked the feature to create a Shell-Link with a Hotkey.


The ShellBrowser Delphi VCL Library from JamSoftware contains a method to easily create a Shell-Link:




Unfortunately, it has no easy method to configure the properties (especially the hotkey property) of the newly created Shell-Link.


Fortunately, the above mentioned Microsoft documentation provides all the information to succeed in the task:




I use a standard THotKey control in the UI to allow the user to configure a hotkey for the newly created Shell-Link:




The THotKey control has these main properties - HotKey and Modifiers:






So the whole process of creating the Shell-Link with the Hotkey properties can be achieved with these steps:


1. Get the ItemIdList of the created Link:




2. Provide the IShellLink Interface of the ItemIdList:




3. Declare the IPersistFile interface for the Shell-Link file:




4. Now we need (as mentioned in the Microsoft documentation) to store the virtual key code in the low-order byte and the modifier flags in the high-order byte of the Shell-Link Hotkey property. For this purpose we declare a record containing two byte-fields:




Then we get the Hotkey from the THotKey control, assign it to the record and typecast the record to a Word:




But the Modifiers value is still missing from the record. So next, we get the Modifier-keys from the THotKey control and assign them to the Modifier Byte of the record:




Now we can assign the record (again typecasted to a Word) to the Shell-Link interface:




5. The other Shell-Link properties are easy to set and are explained in the Microsoft documentation.


6. In the last step we can now save the configured Shell-Link:




You can download the source code and learn from its implementation:






Here is a compiled exe demo of the program:




To compile the source code yourself you need the ShellBrowser library. You can download a free trial version here:




The many other features of the ShellBrowser library are explained here:




I am not affiliated with JamSoftware, but I recommend the ShellBrowser library as an excellent product.


I wish you a lot of fun with this demo!

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They killed Kenny! Strange, I just opened it 5 minutes ago 😄

Try it later again, its a thin unit to do the same. (As I understand your needs)

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48 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said:

Compiler (Delphi 10.3.1 Rio) unfortunately found these errors in the code:


[dcc32 Error] ShellLink.pas(93): E2188 Published property 'ItemIDList' cannot be of type POINTER
[dcc32 Error] ShellLink.pas(274): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[dcc32 Error] ShellLink.pas(337): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[dcc32 Error] ShellLink.pas(338): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical

Edited by PeterPanettone

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Change Published to Public and TWin32FindDataA to TWin32FindDataW or TWin32FindData, Dummy: Longint to Dummy: Cardinal

Edited by Attila Kovacs

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This is how I'm using it.

    SCut := TWin32ShortCut.Create;
      SCut.Location := ciDesktop;
      SCut.FileName := sp[0];
      SCut.AppPath := ResolvePath(sp[1]);
      SCut.WorkDir := ResolvePath(sp[2]);
      SCut.IconPath := ResolvePath(sp[3]);
      if l > 4 then
        if TryStrToInt(sp[4], i) then
          SCut.IconIndex := i;

function ResolvePath(const Path: string): string;
  sp: TArray<string>;
  i: Integer;
  sp := Path.Split(['%']);
  Result := '';
  for i := 0 to High(sp) do
    case i mod 2 of
        Result := Result + sp[i];
        Result := Result + GetEnvironmentVariable(sp[i]);


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4 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said:

This is how I'm using it.

Loading a Shell-Link and reading its properties does not work with the above code:



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2 hours ago, PeterPanettone said:

I found a lot of libraries for this purpose, but most of them were outdated or had some flaws or bugs.


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I'm not sure if you missed the second line in the code "shortcut creation object".

I did not know that you want to edit existing shortcuts, sorry.


2 hours ago, PeterPanettone said:

I was searching for a Delphi VCL library allowing me to easily create a Shell-Link with all properties described in the Microsoft documentation:



I'm wasting here my time.



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2 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said:

I did not know that you want to edit existing shortcuts

I just tried to use the linked unit. This has nothing to do with what I want. Sorry about that.

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