Mark- 29 Posted December 5, 2019 Hello, Has anyone converted this unit to work on 64 bit and 32 bit? Thanks, Mark unit uDGVMUtils; interface (******************************************************************************* uDGVMUtils -- is an attempt to create one of the best virtual machine detector methods, feel free to contribute in any way you wish. Version 1.1, 2010-01-15 Copyright© you are free to use it for comercial, private or both purposes Contributors: Dorin Duminica Chee Meng *******************************************************************************) type TVMWareVersion = ( vvExpress = 1, vvESX, vvGSX, vvWorkstation, vvUnknown, vvNative); const VMWARE_VERSION_STRINGS: array [TVMWareVersion] of string = ( 'Express', 'ESX', 'GSX', 'Workstation', 'Unknown', 'Native'); type TVirtualMachineType = ( vmNative, vmVMWare, vmWine, vmVirtualPC, vmVirtualBox); const VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS: array[TVirtualMachineType] of string = ( 'Native', 'VMWare', 'Wine', 'Virtual PC', 'Virtual Box'); function IsRunningVMWare(var AVMWareVersion: TVMWareVersion): Boolean; overload; function IsRunningVMWare: Boolean; overload; function IsRunningWine(var AWineVersion: string): Boolean; overload; function IsRunningWine: Boolean; overload; function IsRunningVirtualPC: Boolean; function IsRunningVBox: Boolean; function IsRunningVM(var AVMVersion: string): Boolean; overload; function IsRunningVM: Boolean; overload; implementation uses SysUtils,Windows,Vcl.Dialogs; function IsRunningVMWare(var AVMWareVersion: TVMWareVersion): Boolean; const CVMWARE_FLAG = $564D5868; var LFlag: Cardinal; LVersion: Cardinal; begin LFlag := 0; try asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 'VMXh' mov ecx, 0Ah mov dx, 'VX' in eax, dx mov LFlag, ebx mov LVersion, ecx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; except // uncomment next two lines if you wish to see exception // on E: Exception do // ShowMessage(E.message); end; // trye if LFlag = CVMWARE_FLAG then begin Result := True; case LVersion of 1: AVMWareVersion := vvExpress; 2: AVMWareVersion := vvESX; 3: AVMWareVersion := vvGSX; 4: AVMWareVersion := vvWorkstation; else AVMWareVersion := vvUnknown; end end else begin Result := False; AVMWareVersion := vvNative; end; // if LFlag = CVMWARE_FLAG then begin end; function IsRunningVMWare: Boolean; var LVMWareVersion: TVMWareVersion; begin Result := IsRunningVMWare(LVMWareVersion); end; function IsRunningWine(var AWineVersion: string): Boolean; type TWineGetVersion = function: PAnsiChar;{$IFDEF Win32}stdcall;{$ENDIF} TWineNTToUnixFileName = procedure (P1: Pointer; P2: Pointer);{$IFDEF Win32}stdcall;{$ENDIF} var LHandle: THandle; LWineGetVersion: TWineGetVersion; LWineNTToUnixFileName: TWineNTToUnixFileName; begin Result := False; AWineVersion := 'Unknown'; LHandle := LoadLibrary('ntdll.dll'); if LHandle > 32 then begin LWineGetVersion := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'wine_get_version'); LWineNTToUnixFileName := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'wine_nt_to_unix_file_name'); if Assigned(LWineGetVersion) or Assigned(LWineNTToUnixFileName) then begin Result := True; if Assigned(LWineGetVersion) then AWineVersion := ANSIString(LWineGetVersion); // AWineVersion := StrPas(LWineGetVersion); end; // if Assigned(LWineGetVersion) or ... FreeLibrary(LHandle); end; // if LHandle > 32 then begin end; function IsRunningWine: Boolean; var LWineVersion: string; begin Result := IsRunningWine(LWineVersion); end; function IsRunningVirtualPC: Boolean; asm push ebp; mov ebp, esp; mov ecx, offset @exception_handler; push ebx; push ecx; push dword ptr fs:[0]; mov dword ptr fs:[0], esp; mov ebx, 0; // Flag mov eax, 1; // VPC function number // call VPC db $0F, $3F, $07, $0B mov eax, dword ptr ss:[esp]; mov dword ptr fs:[0], eax; add esp, 8; test ebx, ebx; setz al; lea esp, dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]; mov ebx, dword ptr ss:[esp]; mov ebp, dword ptr ss:[esp+4]; add esp, 8; jmp @ret1; @exception_handler: mov ecx, [esp+0Ch]; mov dword ptr [ecx+0A4h], -1; // EBX = -1 ->; not running, ebx = 0 -> running add dword ptr [ecx+0B8h], 4; // ->; skip past the call to VPC xor eax, eax; // exception is handled @ret1: end; function IsRunningVBox: Boolean; function Test1: Boolean; var LHandle: Cardinal; begin Result := False; try LHandle := LoadLibrary('VBoxHook.dll'); Result := (LHandle <> 0); if Result then FreeLibrary(LHandle); except end; // trye end; // function Test1: Boolean; function Test2: Boolean; var LHandle: Cardinal; begin Result := False; try LHandle := CreateFile( '\\\\.\\\VBoxMiniRdrDN', GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NIL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result := (LHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if Result then CloseHandle(LHandle); except end; // trye end; // function Test2: Boolean; begin Result := Test1 or Test2; end; function IsRunningVM(var AVMVersion: string): Boolean; begin AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmNative]; Result := True; if IsRunningWine then AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmWine] else if IsRunningVMWare then AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmVMWare] else if IsRunningVirtualPC then AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmWine] else if IsRunningVBox then AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmVirtualBox] else begin AVMVersion := VIRTUALMACHINE_STRINGS[vmNative]; Result := False; end; end; function IsRunningVM: Boolean; var LVMVersion: string; begin Result := IsRunningVM(LVMVersion); end; end. 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Rollo62 542 Posted December 6, 2019 (edited) Probably this is a somewhat newer version with some fixes, not sure about 32/64 Bit, but you could check. This may help as well. Edited December 6, 2019 by Rollo62 Share this post Link to post
Mark- 29 Posted December 6, 2019 Thanks for the reply. The issue with 64 bit support is the "asm" portions for two reasons. 64 bit assembly uses different opcodes from 32 bit and different register notation. Delphi does not allow the mixing of asm and Pascal in 64 bit. Share this post Link to post
Arnaud Bouchez 407 Posted December 6, 2019 (edited) Why not get the BIOS description string? The kind of Virtual machine is clearly available there. Just read in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\Description\System\BIOS This is how we do in our Open Source mORMot framework: with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKeyReadOnly('\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0') then begin cpu := ReadString('ProcessorNameString'); if cpu='' then cpu := ReadString('Identifier'); end; if OpenKeyReadOnly('\Hardware\Description\System\BIOS') then begin manuf := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('SystemManufacturer')); if manuf<>'' then manuf := manuf+' '; prod := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('SystemProductName')); prodver := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('SystemVersion')); if prodver='' then prodver := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('BIOSVersion')); if OpenKeyReadOnly('\Hardware\Description\System') then begin if prod='' then prod := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('SystemBiosVersion')); if prodver='' then begin prodver := SysUtils.Trim(ReadString('VideoBiosVersion')); i := Pos(#13,prodver); if i>0 then // e.g. multilines 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Version 5.2.33' SetLength(prodver,i-1); end; end; if prodver<>'' then FormatUTF8('%% %',[manuf,prod,prodver],BiosInfoText) else FormatUTF8('%%',[manuf,prod],BiosInfoText); end; finally Free; end; See Edited December 6, 2019 by Arnaud Bouchez Share this post Link to post
Mark- 29 Posted December 6, 2019 7 minutes ago, Arnaud Bouchez said: Why not get the BIOS description string? The kind of Virtual machine is clearly available there. Thanks for the response. Why do you think/know those registry values cannot be changed without causing a failure of the the guest OS or host program? Share this post Link to post
Arnaud Bouchez 407 Posted December 6, 2019 (edited) They could be changed, of course. To be honnest, if you expect to defeat hackers you most probably will loose your time - especially if you don't know how to convert i386 asm to x64. Even the asm trick used in this code could be disabled - see and just after a quick Google Search. And BTW Wine is not a virtual machine, I don't understand why it is part of this detection. Edited December 6, 2019 by Arnaud Bouchez 1 Share this post Link to post
Mark- 29 Posted December 6, 2019 42 minutes ago, Arnaud Bouchez said: To be honest... SMH Share this post Link to post
davornik 4 Posted May 18, 2020 Code can be made compatible with 64-bit, i have posted probable solution here: NOTE: in FastcodeCPUID.pas there is an error with position of registers when returning value. Registers in code goes like Move...EBX...EDX...ECX... Proper way should be EBX...ECX...EDX...! Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted May 18, 2020 On 12/6/2019 at 6:44 PM, Arnaud Bouchez said: To be honnest, if you expect to defeat hackers you most probably will loose your time - especially if you don't know how to convert i386 asm to x64. Even the asm trick used in this code could be disabled - see and just after a quick Google Search. Exactly, and i want to add this, if detecting VM running your application is critical for you, then you would better use exe packer/protector to have better chance to handle this, after all this is like never ending process, better solution to detect VM's always appear then followed by better way to hide the VM's. QEMU is the one which is the hardest to detect, yet there is papers and articles on how to detect it, like this one , but if you are asking on how to convert 32bit assembly to 64bit, then that paper is not your cup of tea, right ? That lead to this simple logic, how much is it important for you to detect VM ? if it is critical then go with specialized software ( protectors ) because the team that work on such software do have the resources and experince needed for such task, this will save you time and fraustration, on other hand if this is not so much critical then you can use half baked library like the one you posted up, which is way easier than you think to defeat, eg. with Cheat Engine ( simple memory search and edit) And by half baked, i meant it is clearly outdated (2010 or much earlier) methods, you yourself should test it on each VM system (current and modern), as no point to trust software depends on undocumented code to sill working right after all those years. Share this post Link to post
Mark- 29 Posted May 18, 2020 1 hour ago, davornik said: Code can be made compatible with 64-bit, i have posted probable solution here: NOTE: in FastcodeCPUID.pas there is an error with position of registers when returning value. Registers in code goes like Move...EBX...EDX...ECX... Proper way should be EBX...ECX...EDX...! Thanks Share this post Link to post