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Push notifications

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I'm shooting from the hip a bit here so my apologies if theres's some way of accomplishing this already etc:


One of the things I liked about G+ was the level and way that it "push notified" me about new posts in my circles, particularly the Delph one.  I put that in quotes because I'm not referring to true push notifications but the way that ones google "notifications bell" showed when there was updates and the way it then listed new posts in some sort of shorthand form to review.  The big problem then with this new forum is kind of the lack of that "gentle" push notifier.  There is the "Unread content" button but still one has to actively go and visit the forum and click on that button.   I suppose I'm thinking some sort of feature of making new posts more visible on this forum would have been nice.


Anyway, just thinking out loud!

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Actually I just found the "notification settings" on the forum and noticed the little globe icon (which in fact notified me similar to the Google icon), so it seems my comment/suggestion is rather off the mark, and there's quite a bit of "push" support of the sort I suggested already.  I need to just keep this site open I suppose!  😄

Edited by ByteJuggler

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4 hours ago, Michael Puff said:

Just keep going and play around with this feature.

Thanks. I've now "followed" all the forums as I'd like to get notifications about new content. 


However unfortunately you can seemingly only get email notifications about new material in the forums you're subscribed to, you can't seemingly get "push" style notifications about new topics in forums, the way you can when people reply to topics you've participated in?


Also it would be nice to be able to mass subscribe/unsubscribe from all/mutlipel forums at once. It was a minor pain to go through each forum and click the required button.  And as I don't really want to be emailed, per se, about new indivual postings, I'm going to to have to go back through each forum and disable this again, or change the notification to something less frequent.


Or am I missing something again?  🙂

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