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Get CLASSNAME of component

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I want to either expand the functionality of the Get Component Names GExpert to somehow include the CLASSNAME of the selected component(s) or to create a similar GExpert which gets the CLASSNAME instead of the component name.


(The former solution could include an additional keyboard-shortcut configuration for the classname, inside the same GExpert).


So I looked at the GxOtaGetComponentName function:


function GxOtaGetComponentName(const AComponent: IOTAComponent): WideString;
  Component: TComponent;
  Result := GxOtaGetComponentPropertyAsString(AComponent, NamePropertyName);
  if IsEmpty(Result) then
    Component := GxOtaGetNativeComponent(AComponent);
    if Assigned(Component) then
      Result := Component.Name;

The parameter NamePropertyName is defined as a constant with the value 'Name'.


Since there is no constant NamePropertyClassName, I assume that the class name of a component can be in any case simply retrieved by Component.ClassName and has not necessarily be retrieved by GxOtaGetComponentPropertyAsString.


So I would naively propose this function to get the class name:


function GxOtaGetComponentClassName(const AComponent: IOTAComponent): WideString;
  Component: TComponent;
  Result := '';

  Component := GxOtaGetNativeComponent(AComponent);
  if Assigned(Component) then
    Result := Component.ClassName;

What do you think?

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Now I have tried it out by replacing the old function GxOtaGetComponentName with the new function GxOtaGetComponentClassName in the unit GX_CopyComponentNames:


CurrentComponent := FormEditor.GetSelComponent(i);
//ComponentName := GxOtaGetComponentName(CurrentComponent);
ComponentName := GxOtaGetComponentClassName(CurrentComponent);

It works perfectly.


Now it's time to decide how the new functionality Get Component ClassNames should be implemented:


1. Combine the component name and class name in one string, e.g.: ComponentName (ComponentClassname)


2. Provide a second keyboard-shortcut box for the class name inside the existing GExpert, e.g. F5 for the component name and CTRL+F5 for the component class name


3. Create a separate GExpert for the component's class name.


Plus: Provide a small configuration dialog where one of the above choices could be configured.




Please select your favorite choice.

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