David Schwartz 440 Posted September 11, 2020 (edited) I'm using the TRzLauncher (part of the old Raize Library available in GetIt from Konopka) to launch some apps from another app. For some reason, it will sometimes just stop working. It does not generate any sort of error, it simply doesn't do anything. I've had no problem running the same things using windows API calls, or going into the File Explorer and using right-click -> Open With... It usually works again if I close something else that I'd opened first. It also works if I close and restart the app itself. So I'm curious if there could be some odd memory limitations using it that don't apply if I'm calling the Win API directly. FYI: I drop one of these on the form and re-use it in a bunch of places in order to avoid having to manage individual instances of it. As I'm typing this, I'm wondering if there could be a reentrancy problem with it? This only happens if I launch something and say to not wait for it to complete. Then it won't let me launch anything else. I guess the Win API doesn't care, but the component might. The help doesn't mention this anywhere. It's a really simple component, but I guess that could be an issue. Any thoughts? Edited September 11, 2020 by David Schwartz Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted September 11, 2020 No idea. Maybe JVCL implementation would perform better? Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 440 Posted September 13, 2020 On 9/11/2020 at 3:10 AM, Fr0sT.Brutal said: No idea. Maybe JVCL implementation would perform better? since you're familiar with it, maybe you can tell me if it would suffer from the same problem? Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1848 Posted September 14, 2020 On 9/11/2020 at 9:40 AM, David Schwartz said: Any thoughts? I have no idea about how TRzLauncher is implemented, but regardless I would just use a thin wrapper around ShellExecuteEx. Here's the implementation I usually use: unit amShell; (* * Copyright © 2006 Anders Melander * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. *) interface uses Windows, Controls; type Shell = class private public class procedure DisplayURL(const URL: string; Parent: TWinControl = nil; const AdditionalParams: string = ''); class function DisplayFile(const Filename: string; Parent: TWinControl = nil): boolean; class function Execute(const Filename: string; const Parameters: string = ''; Parent: TWinControl = nil; Wait: boolean = False): boolean; overload; class function Execute(Parent: TWinControl; const FileName: string; const Operation: string = 'open'; const Parameters: string = ''; ShowCmd: Integer = SW_SHOWNORMAL; Wait: boolean = False): boolean; overload; static; end; resourcestring sShellExecuteBrowseError = 'Failed to open the homepage in your default browser.'+#13#13+ 'Homepage: %s'+#13+ 'Error: %s'; sShellExecuteFileOpenError = 'Failed to open the file.'+#13#13+ 'Filename: %s'+#13+ 'Error: %s'; implementation uses ActiveX, ShellAPI, SysUtils, IOUtils, Forms, Dialogs, StrUtils, Classes, Types, Messages, IdURI, amCursorService, amDialogs; class function Shell.DisplayFile(const Filename: string; Parent: TWinControl): boolean; var Error: integer; begin Result := Execute(Parent, Filename); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteFileOpenError, [Filename, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class function Shell.Execute(const Filename, Parameters: string; Parent: TWinControl; Wait: boolean): boolean; var Error: integer; begin Result := Execute(Parent, Filename, '', Parameters, SW_SHOWNORMAL, Wait); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteFileOpenError, [Filename, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class procedure Shell.DisplayURL(const URL: string; Parent: TWinControl; const AdditionalParams: string); var Error: integer; URI: TIdURI; FinalURL: string; FinalParams: string; ParamList: TStringDynArray; s: string; Params: TStringList; n: integer; Name, Value: string; begin try URI := TIdURI.Create(URL); try // Note that we use TIdURI even with no additional params as we would still like to get the original params encoded (' '->'%20'). if (AdditionalParams <> '') then begin Params := TStringList.Create; try Params.CaseSensitive := False; // Create a Key/Value list of original parameters ParamList := SplitString(URI.Params, '&'); for s in ParamList do Params.Add(s); // Add additional parameters, overriding the original values if there are duplicates ParamList := SplitString(AdditionalParams, '&'); for s in ParamList do begin n := Pos('=', s); if (n <> 0) then begin // Key/Value pair Name := Copy(s, 1, n-1); Value := Copy(s, n+1, MaxInt); Params.Values[Name] := Value; end else // No value, just key Params.Values[s] := ''; end; // Build parameter string FinalParams := ''; for s in Params do if (FinalParams = '') then FinalParams := s else FinalParams := FinalParams + '&' + s; finally Params.Free; end; URI.Params := FinalParams; end; FinalURL := URI.URI; finally URI.Free; end; except on E: EIdURIException do begin s := URL; if (AdditionalParams <> '') then s := s + '(' + AdditionalParams + ')'; MessageDlgEx(Format('Invalid URL: %s'#13'%s', [s, E.Message]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); exit; end; end; if (not Execute(Parent, 'rundll32.exe', 'open', 'url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '+FinalURL)) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteBrowseError, [FinalURL, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class function Shell.Execute(Parent: TWinControl; const FileName, Operation, Parameters: string; ShowCmd: Integer; Wait: boolean): boolean; var Handle: HWND; ShellExecuteInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; Error: integer; Res: Cardinal; Msg: TMsg; begin if (Parent <> nil) then Handle := Parent.Handle else Handle := Application.MainForm.Handle; FillChar(ShellExecuteInfo, SizeOf(ShellExecuteInfo), 0); ShellExecuteInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ShellExecuteInfo); ShellExecuteInfo.fMask := SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI or SEE_MASK_HMONITOR or SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS;// or SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; if (Wait) then ShellExecuteInfo.fMask := ShellExecuteInfo.fMask or SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS or SEE_MASK_NOASYNC; ShellExecuteInfo.Wnd := Handle; ShellExecuteInfo.hMonitor := THandle(Application.MainForm.Monitor.Handle); // Cast to avoind range check error if (Operation <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpVerb := PChar(Operation); if (FileName <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpFile := PChar(FileName); if (Parameters <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpParameters := PChar(Parameters); ShellExecuteInfo.lpDirectory := PChar(TPath.GetDirectoryName(Filename)); ShellExecuteInfo.nShow := ShowCmd; SaveCursor(crAppStart); Result := ShellAPI.ShellExecuteEx(@ShellExecuteInfo); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; if (Error = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) then begin // See: // * https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/287087 // * http://wellsr.com/vba/2016/excel/use-vba-shellexecute-to-open-url-in-default-browser/ if (ShellAPI.ShellExecute(Handle, ShellExecuteInfo.lpVerb, ShellExecuteInfo.lpFile, ShellExecuteInfo.lpParameters, nil, CmdShow) > SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND) then Result := True else SetLastError(Error); end; end else if (Wait) then begin try while (True) do begin Res := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, False, INFINITE, QS_PAINT); case Res of WAIT_OBJECT_0: break; WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: while (PeekMessage(Msg, 0, QS_PAINT shl 16, QS_PAINT shl 16, PM_REMOVE)) do begin if (Msg.message = WM_QUIT) then begin PostQuitMessage(Msg.wParam); exit; end; TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); end; else break; end; end; finally CloseHandle(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess); end; end; end; var NeedCoUninitialize: boolean = False; initialization // ShellExecute needs CoInitialize NeedCoUninitialize := Succeeded(CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED or COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE)); finalization if (NeedCoUninitialize) then CoUninitialize; end. 3 Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted September 14, 2020 17 hours ago, David Schwartz said: since you're familiar with it, maybe you can tell me if it would suffer from the same problem? Actually I'm not as I use my own app launcher with STDIN/OUT redirection. I have an app running 24/7 for months that constantly launches external apps (archiver and some others) without any issue. Btw, your problem looks very alike to resource leakage. You can check if there are non-disposed resources with ProcessExplorer -> Opened handles Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 440 Posted September 14, 2020 For the situations where I need to launch and not wait for return, I create an instance dynamically and did some contortions so the OnFinished event handler kills the instance. But when you open a file in, say, Notepad++, it's really irrelevant. If you close the program before these instances have closed, they get freed anyway. The Windows API doesn't seem to care, so I could probably just launch them and forget them. As an aside, I was also looking for some code to launch a command and get the STDOUT back. Someone pointed out that JVCL has something built-in, an Execute function. There are actually several variations. But I couldn't find one that lets me set the working directory, which seems rather odd for such a complicated bunch of code. I found something else here that takes a working dir param, https://delphidabbler.github.io/delphi-tips/tips/61.html but it doesn't capture STDERR. Seems to always be something missing. 🙂 Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted September 15, 2020 14 hours ago, David Schwartz said: But I couldn't find one that lets me set the working directory, which seems rather odd for such a complicated bunch of code. 1-sec googling: https://wiki.delphi-jedi.org/wiki/JVCL_Help:TJvCreateProcess that claims to have CDir setting. I could suggest my implementation but it's somewhat tied to other util units. Anyway there's nothing hard in launching (code is NOT standalone - some additional utils required) // Launch a process with I/O redirect. // @param ExecProps - requisites for launch // @param [OUT] Handles - in / out pipe handles, process handle // @raises Exception on error procedure ExecProcess(const ExecProps: TExecProps; out Handles: THandleArr); var si: TStartupInfo; pi: TProcessInformation; sa: TSecurityAttributes; hStdOut, hStdIn, hStdErr: THandle; IntCmdLine, IntCurrDir, Env: string; begin Handles := Default(THandleArr); hStdOut := 0; hStdIn := 0; hStdErr := 0; si := Default(TStartupInfo); pi := Default(TProcessInformation); try try // TSecurityAttributes для процесса и труб sa := Default(TSecurityAttributes); sa.nLength := SizeOf(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; sa.bInheritHandle := True; // create pipes if needed // ! We can't simply override only some of handles - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30494945 // But assigning standard values with GetStdHandle results in weird behavior // (I/O error on ReadLn specifying standard STDIN, weird hangs etc). // As the situation when STDIN is required in executed process but not redirected // will unlikely happen, just set the handle to NULL. // As for output pipes, create and redirect them always to avoid bugs. // STDIN if pStdIn in ExecProps.RedirectPipes then begin if not CreatePipe(hStdIn, Handles[ehStdIn], @sa, PipeBufSize) then raise LastOSErr('CreatePipe'); // Ensure the write handle to the pipe for STDIN is not inherited (from MSDN example) SetHandleInformation(Handles[ehStdIn], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); end; // STDOUT // if pStdOut in ExecProps.RedirectPipes then begin if not CreatePipe(Handles[ehStdOut], hStdOut, @sa, PipeBufSize) then raise LastOSErr('CreatePipe'); // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited (from MSDN example) SetHandleInformation(Handles[ehStdOut], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); end; // STDERR // if pStdErr in ExecProps.RedirectPipes then begin if not CreatePipe(Handles[ehStdErr], hStdErr, @sa, PipeBufSize) then raise LastOSErr('CreatePipe'); // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDERR is not inherited (from MSDN example) SetHandleInformation(Handles[ehStdErr], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); end; si.cb := SizeOf(si); si.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if ExecProps.RedirectPipes <> [] then si.dwFlags := si.dwFlags or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; si.hStdInput := hStdIn; si.hStdOutput := hStdOut; si.hStdError := hStdErr; if ExecProps.CurrDir = '' then IntCurrDir := GetCurrentDir else IntCurrDir := ExecProps.CurrDir; // Construct a new env from an old one with addition of that given in parameters and // error signature. Env := StrArrToEnv(ExecProps.EnvVars) + GetEnv + #0; IntCmdLine := ExecProps.CmdLine; // command line MUST be modifyable - CreateProcessW requirement UniqueString(IntCmdLine); if not CreateProcess(nil, PChar(IntCmdLine), @sa, nil, True, {} // show window CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE{$IFDEF UNICODE} or CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT{$ENDIF}, PChar(Env), PChar(IntCurrDir), si, pi) then raise LastOSErr('CreateProcess', GetLastError, '"'+IntCmdLine+'"'); Handles[ehProcess] := pi.hProcess; // Set priority if not default if ExecProps.Priority <> NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS then SetPriorityClass(Handles[ehProcess], ExecProps.Priority); except CloseHandles(Handles); raise; end; finally // Free thread handles and unneeded pipe ends CloseAndZeroHandle(hStdIn); CloseAndZeroHandle(hStdOut); CloseAndZeroHandle(hStdErr); CloseAndZeroHandle(pi.hThread); end; end; 1 Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 440 Posted September 20, 2020 On 9/15/2020 at 1:36 AM, Fr0sT.Brutal said: 1-sec googling: https://wiki.delphi-jedi.org/wiki/JVCL_Help:TJvCreateProcess that claims to have CDir setting. Thanks. I looked at the code, and the name CDir did not stand out to me as what I was looking for. Share this post Link to post