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Dmitriy M

TIdHTTP protocol transport safety

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Using TIdHTTP is it possible to distinguish whether POST request has been received (processed) by the server and error occurred during transmission/read of response or whether request has not been received by the server at all? I feel like my planned solution has too many assumptions and is far from perfect.

  // create and set up TIdHTTP instance
  IdHTTP.HTTPOptions := IdHTTP.HTTPOptions + [hoNoProtocolErrorException, hoWantProtocolErrorContent];
    // prepare request
    IdHTTP.Post(API_END_POINT, RequestStream, ResponseStream);
    // check for response code and take actions
    on E: EIdSocketError do
      // connection establishment error; the request was not processed
    on E: EIdConnectTimeout do
      // connection establishment error; the request was not processed

    on E: EIdReadTimeout do
      // response read error; the request was processed
    on E: EIdConnClosedGracefully do
      // response read error; the request was processed


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8 hours ago, Dmitriy M said:

Using TIdHTTP is it possible to distinguish whether POST request has been received (processed) by the server and error occurred during transmission/read of response or whether request has not been received by the server at all?

In a word, no.  That is simply not how TCP works, let alone HTTP.  This is not limited to just TIdHTTP, but to any TCP/HTTP implementation.  Only the low-level TCP stack has access to the ACKs that indicate data packets have actually reached their destination.  Applications do not have access to that information.


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10 hours ago, Dmitriy M said:

Using TIdHTTP is it possible to distinguish whether POST request has been received (processed) by the server and error occurred during transmission/read of response or whether request has not been received by the server at all?

Well you can't be sure client request has reached a server from client side until client starts receiving request.

Usually client doesn't need anything more than "connect failure" (means server is unreachable or the whole network is down), "request-response network failure" (any network issues during communication) and "request payload failure" (message is correct but issued error on server)

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