RaelB 4 Posted December 30, 2020 I have the following code. It creates 3 tasks and then calls `TTask.WaitForAll(tasks)` : procedure TVideoFrame.AddVideo(....); var ... begin MainTrace.SendStack('AddVideo'); btnPaste.Enabled := False; btnUpdate.Enabled := False; Application.ProcessMessages; ... TTask.Run(procedure() var tasks: array of ITask; ... S: String; Res: Integer; begin Setlength(tasks ,3); MemStream := nil; tasks[0] := TTask.Create (procedure () begin ... end); tasks[0].Start; tasks[1] := TTask.Create (procedure () begin MainTrace.Send('Run Task 1'); S := GetHtml(Url); end); tasks[1].Start; tasks[2] := TTask.Create (procedure () begin ... end); tasks[2].Start; MainTrace.Send('WaitForAll'); TTask.WaitForAll(tasks); EnterCriticalSection(_CritSec); // Don't think it's necessary but just to be safe... try try .... // Process results.. except On E: Exception do MainTrace.Send(E.ClassName, E.Message); end; finally LeaveCriticalSection(_CritSec); end; TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure() begin btnUpdate.Enabled := True; btnPaste.Enabled := True; .... end); end); end; A normal trace would look like this: It seems a little strange that the trace of `WaitForAll` happens before `Run Task 1`, but maybe that's because it takes a few moments before Task 1 starts to run. Anyway that is not the main issue. The problem is I get a trace like this: Task 1 is running twice, and you can see from the trace in a different thread. I also have a breakpoint in the `GetHtml` method, and I see that in fact it is being called twice. How does this happen? In the main user interface I only click the button once. (as you can see from the code, I disable the button so I can't click it twice anyway..) Thanks Rael Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted December 30, 2020 as first dont show nothing, it dont appears on your debug screen... the second show a message on Maintrace.Send... try works like sample in http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Using_TTask_from_the_Parallel_Programming_Library try without Task.Run().... hug Share this post Link to post
Der schöne Günther 323 Posted December 30, 2020 What is the second column with the hexadecimal numbers? A thread ID? If yes, it doesn't make sense for "WaitForAll" and "Run Task 1" to be run in the very same thread. There must be something wrong with your code. Can you provide a code example that is reproducable? 1 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) WaitForAll is raised and wait for Task more long... then, appears firstly because it "raise" the others some like this! im on smartphone now, no pc near... hexa it should be memory pointer where the call is in Edited December 30, 2020 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) read the HELP please Edited December 30, 2020 by Guest Share this post Link to post
RaelB 4 Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) @Der schöne Günther: Yes, it is a thread ID. What you say is an interesting observation. I have created a small demo (attached). I am not able to reproduce the problem of Task 1 running twice, however on some occassion, the WaitForAll and Run Task 1 calls have the same Thread ID. Here is an example trace. The issue occurred for the first run, but not the others. 0x3374 19:33:20:910 AddVideo 0x6518 19:33:21:125 WaitForAll 0x6518 19:33:21:179 Run Task 1 0x6518 19:33:22:590 --- 0x3374 19:33:24:230 AddVideo 0x47C4 19:33:24:240 WaitForAll 0x1984 19:33:24:240 Run Task 1 0x47C4 19:33:24:875 --- 0x3374 19:33:26:397 AddVideo 0x6130 19:33:26:459 WaitForAll 0x6518 19:33:26:459 Run Task 1 0x6130 19:33:27:247 --- Perhaps if you look at the code you will see something wrong. I am using the open source TraceTool for the logging. (https://github.com/capslock66/Tracetool) TTaskRun Test.zip (btw, I'm using Rio 10.3.2) Thanks Edited December 30, 2020 by RaelB Added Delphi Version Share this post Link to post
Der schöne Günther 323 Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) It sounds like this could be the cause: [RSP-16377] TTask.WaitForAll crashes if timeout is INFINITE - Embarcadero Technologies Rio 10.3.2 is still affected, it was fixed in 10.4 Sydney. Quote The inner task procedure is called twice sometimes (...) Can you check what happens if you add an explicit timeout to your WaitForAll(..) Edited December 30, 2020 by Der schöne Günther 1 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) try my sample UI main totally responsive! unit uFormMain; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn_Start_TaskRUN: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; btn_Stop_TaskRUN: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure btn_Start_TaskRUNClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_Stop_TaskRUNClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses System.Threading; // Proc: TProc var lMyProc1: TProc = nil; lMyProc2: TProc = nil; lMyProc3: TProc = nil; // lMyValue1: integer = 0; lMyValue2: integer = 0; lMyValue3: integer = 0; // lMyTaskRUN_obj: ITask = nil; // lMyTasks: array [0 .. 2] of ITask = ( nil, nil, nil ); // if is only 3, then... procedure prcTask1; begin // some code pertinent... Sleep(3000); lMyValue1 := 111; end; procedure prcTask2; begin // some code pertinent... Sleep(2000); lMyValue2 := 222; end; procedure prcTask3; begin // some code pertinent... Sleep(5000); lMyValue3 := 333; end; procedure TForm1.btn_Start_TaskRUNClick(Sender: TObject); begin lMyProc1 := prcTask1; lMyProc2 := prcTask2; lMyProc3 := prcTask3; // lMyTaskRUN_obj := TTask.Run( { } procedure() { } begin // lMyTasks[0] := TTask.Create(lMyProc1); lMyTasks[1] := TTask.Create(lMyProc2); lMyTasks[2] := TTask.Create(lMyProc3); // lMyTasks[0].Start; lMyTasks[1].Start; lMyTasks[2].Start; // Edit1.Text := 'Tasks started in: ' + TimeToStr(now); // TTask.WaitForAll(lMyTasks); { boolean return } // wait all task end = 3sec, 2sec and 5sec = 5sec is your time to wait! // TTask.WaitForAny(lMyTasks); { integer return = task ID } // who's end firstly, then, go back! in this case, 2sec < 3sec < 5sec // Edit2.Text := 'Tasks ended in: ' + TimeToStr(now); // (* try TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure() { } begin { } TTask.WaitForAll(lMyTasks) { } end { } ); finally end; *) // ShowMessage('All done' + { } sLineBreak + lMyValue1.ToString + { } sLineBreak + lMyValue2.ToString + { } sLineBreak + lMyValue3.ToString { } ); end { } ); // TTask.Run... procedure... // end; procedure TForm1.btn_Stop_TaskRUNClick(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; lMyTaskWainting: ITask; begin try if not(lMyTaskRUN_obj = nil) then begin Caption := 'not(lMyTaskRUN_obj = nil)'; // // TTaskStatus = (Created, WaitingToRun, Running, Completed, WaitingForChildren, Canceled, Exception); if (lMyTaskRUN_obj.Status = TTaskStatus.Running) then begin for lMyTaskWainting in lMyTasks do if (lMyTaskWainting.Status in [TTaskStatus.Running, TTaskStatus.WaitingToRun]) then lMyTaskWainting.Cancel; // lMyTaskRUN_obj.Cancel; end; // Self.Close; // close app end else Caption := 'lMyTaskRUN_obj = nil'; except on E: Exception do ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; initialization ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := true; finalization end. hug Edited December 30, 2020 by Guest Share this post Link to post
RaelB 4 Posted December 31, 2020 @Der schöne Günther: If I set a timeout the problem does not occur. Thanks a lot for your help. Kudos for noticing the thread ID issue. It is something that can be reproduced quite easily as in my test application. Share this post Link to post
Der schöne Günther 323 Posted December 31, 2020 I find it a bit sad that none of these fixes get backported to earlier versions. They had something like this around 2016, but somehow stopped doing so. Or never really started, I don't know. I think this especially important when everything (editor, debugger, runtime, ...) is so tightly coupled together. 1 Share this post Link to post