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Bill Meyer

Unit Dependency Analyzer -- Not found items

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When the Unit Dependency Analyzer opens, it reports the number of units, and the number of "not found." What does that indicate, and should I be concerned? Is there a way to reduce the count of not found items?

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Not found units are units that are referenced somewhere in the uses clause, but Analyzer cannot find the unit source for it. Usually that are Delphi units in dcu format. You can extend the search path of Analyzer so that it can find those units.


On the other hand you might not even be interested in analyzing these units as you probably have no means to change any of these dependencies then shown. Usually it would only clutter the output.

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55 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

On the other hand you might not even be interested in analyzing these units as you probably have no means to change any of these dependencies then shown. Usually it would only clutter the output.

Figured it was likely to be something of that sort, but better to know than to guess. Thanks!

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