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Connect to Google Cloud?

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I want to use Google Cloud logging from Delphi. From https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/client-libraries-explained


While you can use Google Cloud APIs by making direct HTTP requests to the server (or RPC calls where available), we provide client library code for all our Cloud APIs that makes it easier to access them from your favorite languages


Of course Delphi is not represented.

Any hints on how I can use cloud for logging?

It also mention that https://www.fluentd.org can be used from any language. But I still want samples how to use all this in practice.

Any help appreciated!


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Thanks I also found that. I am not found of deploy a dll-file beside the exe- file 

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If you want to avoid OpenSSL DLLs, you can buy YuOpenSSL from https://www.yunqa.de/ which is separate compiled DCUs for Delphi 5 to 11.0, offering the two latest OpenSSL releases for 1.1.1 and 3.0.  Available for ICS, Indy and Synapse. 


With ICS, you just change a define, and YuOpenSSL works without any other code changes.


While using the OS HTTP client may seem easier, you may hit limitations or bugs that take years to get fixed, like access to new protocols like TLS/1.3. 



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Ok I have never used https in Delphi.

Just so I understand you correct.

Delphi httpclient use openssl?

No need to deploy additional dll with exe-file? 

Where can I find an example of this?

The application is deployed on Windows Server 2012




Edited by Berocoder

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1 hour ago, Berocoder said:

Delphi httpclient use openssl?

Which Delphi HTTP client component are you talking about, there are many different ones from component packages.




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TNetHTTPClient uses different technologies on different platforms.  Never used it myself since it did not exist 20 years ago when I stated writing internet applications, but understand it uses SChannel for SSL on Windows, so capabilities will vary dependent upon Windows version. 


I have a lot of problems with IIS SSL on Windows Server 2012, each time Windows Update runs and I reboot, I lose all my ECDSA ciphers and the web server does not start since I use ECDSA certificates.  Those are the sort of support headaches you get from using the native functionality and why most people use alternates. 




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Ok thanks for the feedback.

So back to the original question 😊

What is the best or most convenient path to connect and use Google Cloud logging from Delphi?


I want to avoid dependencies to third-party components and dll-files if it is possible. But it is not a requirement.




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I want to avoid dependencies to third-party components

If you want to avoid third party components, you are stuck with  TNetHTTPClient which is a bare bones solution requiring extra code. 


That is why there are several better third party components, some free, some expensive. 


I support the free ICS which has a forum here, it includes a component that accesses the GMail API with OAuth2, most other Google APIs are probably similar in concept.




  • Thanks 1

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On 11/6/2021 at 12:24 PM, Angus Robertson said:

If you want to avoid OpenSSL DLLs, you can buy YuOpenSSL from https://www.yunqa.de/ which is separate compiled DCUs for Delphi 5 to 11.0, offering the two latest OpenSSL releases for 1.1.1 and 3.0.  Available for ICS, Indy and Synapse. 

Or take a look at https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_SChannelTLS which implements WinAPI-provided TLS over any socket and has ready-to-use implementation of ICS socket.

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