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10.4 android permissions works... 11.0 same code results in "Java type Jcontent_ContextCompat could not be found" used to workruns fine. 11.0

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I have an FMX Android application built from Delphi 10.4 update 2 that uses permissions.  The permission code works fine in this version of Delphi (I did my own permissions code then switched to GetIt Package Manager acquired "MobilePermissions Component" since it was less confusing code and easily maintained between Delphi versions.  Both permissions coding methods run successfully). 


With no changes, running the same application built with 11.0, the request for Android permissions results in an error message  "Java type Jcontent_ContextCompat could not be found" on the phone.  The phone is Android version 8.0.0 (Oreo) which should be within the range of supported Delphi 11.0 android versions.


I am just wondering if anyone might have a quick "oh do this to fix that" or if you have a suggestion on where to start a debug adventure?  Just a few words to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Thank you.





just a few permissions are involved...

      With MobilePermissions1 Do
         Dangerous.AccessCoarseLocation          := True;
         Dangerous.AccessFineLocation            := True;
         Standard.BluetoothAdmin                 := True;
         Standard.Bluetooth                      := True;


The sample application included with GetIt Package Manager acquired "MobilePermissions Component" yielded the same error message on the phone when built with Delphi 11.0 Professional with Mobile.

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