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Michael Collier

How to: Phone camera frame(s) to server

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I'm evaluating latest version of Delphi RAD for possible iOS/android phone application.


I'd like to be able to use a phone camera (iOS and Android) to take photos (maybe 1 per second) and upload to my server.




1). I found sample project "accessCameraApp"  - my first question is.. would this be the component to use for my photo capture? - or should I be using something different?


2) I found internet references to indy components (I have used this in the past), but they are not installed on my component palette (no problem though I guess I can install later), but I did find TNetHTTPClient and TNetHTTPRequest, I was wondering which I should use (indy/TNetHTTPClient or maybe synapse if it is available?) for posting photo frames to my server? (i.e. a php page that saves photo(s) in database BLOB field).


Any help to point me in the right direction would be great, it's more about the selection of components that I would need, I have plenty of Object Pascal experience, and I do a lot of camera work using javascript. It's just that the latest set of Delphi tools are new to me.


Thanks in advance,







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