omnibrain 15 Posted February 24, 2022 I'm currently developing an API using THttpAppSrv and custom programmed handlers. It's intendet to be used as a machine to machine API, so I use basic auth. TLS get's handled by a reverse proxy. I initialise the Component als follows: HttpAppSrv1.AuthTypes:=[atBasic]; HttpAppSrv1.AddGetHandler('/objects',Tlisaapirada); HttpAppSrv1.AddPostHandler('/objects',Tlisaapirada); HttpAppSrv1.Start(); My "getPassowrdHandler looks like this. "user" and "pass" are populated during startup of my program. procedure Tfio_lisaapi.HttpAppSrv1AuthGetPassword(Sender, Client: TObject; var Password: string); var ClientCnx : TMyHttpConnection; begin ClientCnx:=Client as TMyHttpConnection; if (ClientCnx.AuthTypes=[atBasic]) and (ClientCnx.AuthUserName=user) then Password := pass; end; My AuthResult just does some logging procedure Tfio_lisaapi.HttpAppSrv1AuthResult(Sender, Client: TObject; Success: Boolean); begin if Success then Display('Auth: true') else Display('Auth: false'); end; When I call my "/objects" endpoint (get and post) with the correct user name and password everything works as expected. Wenn I use a wrong username or password the "get" gets denied with a "401 Access Denied", as expected. But for the "post" my "Tlisaapirada.Execute" procedure gets called and executed. This should not happen, instead it should lead to a 401 as well. Do I miss some configuration on the THttpAppSrv component, or do I need to write special processing? Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted February 24, 2022 If Authentication fails, the client Flags property is set to hg401 so that response is finally returned. The code and sample web servers have checks for h401 in many places, I'd guess your code is checking the flag for GET for not for POST, somewhere. The component does not stop calling events because authentication has failed. Any of those events may also set Flags to hg401 or something else. Angus Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted February 24, 2022 (edited) Hm, thanks for the answer, but it get's stranger. I don't have any of the "On*Document" events implemented at all, because all processing happens in my "TLISAAPIRADA.Execute" procedure. I don't serve documents or anything. (I've specified a HttpAppSrv1.DocDir, but that's empty at the moment) The hg401-handling in the examples happens all in the "On*Document" handlers. Now the funny part is: The first unauthenticated "get" gets a 401 response with <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>401 Access Denied</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>401 Access Denied</H1>The requested URL /protocol/6192458077624899 requires authorization.<P> </BODY> </HTML> as a body. (other endpoint, same .Execute - refactoring is pending when Auth works...) The next "get" gets a "501 Unimplemented". Then the next the 401 again and then the next the 501. And so fort... Where should I put a check if the client Flags are hg401, I I only use my own TUrlHandler class via "Add*Handler"? I tried adding if Flags=hg410 then exit; to the top of my ".Execute", but the compiler complains that hg401 is undeclared (E2003), despite "OverbyteIcsHttpSrv" being in my uses clause. EDIT: My eyes are getting tired, "hg401" is the correct one. I will try it and get back... EDIT 2: It looks like "flags" is the one belonging to the URL-Handler and not the one for the client. I can't find how to access the client flags. "client.flags" does not work. Edited February 24, 2022 by omnibrain Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted February 24, 2022 My main TUrlHandler.Execute functions start with: if (Client.AuthUserName <> '') then begin to check for authentication, but the server does the main authentication in the onCheckPassword event which returns false for failure, but does not clear AuthUserName. So there may be a bug for POST. Sorry, don't have time to test it this week. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted February 28, 2022 Checking Client.AuthUserName in .Execute would work for me (if it worked). It would also pave the way for future endpoints with different authorizations per user. I tried it and Client.AuthUserName is always filled, so there might really be a bug as you suspect. But I still wonder why I even get into .Execute after authenticated failed for the "post", while the "get" produces a "401" (and every other time a 500...) before calling the .Execute. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted February 28, 2022 I set different levels when checking the password, that determine what data the execute events are allowed to access. I will check the sample works the same with GET and POST in a day or two. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted April 26, 2022 Did you have time to check if there is a bug for POST and why GET produces alternately a 401 and 500 on failed authentication? Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted April 26, 2022 I did some initial testing, and the version of OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ in SVN has the comment 'Added authentication using POST requests.' There were no relevant changes to the server itself. But I'll be doing some more work on POST uploads and authentication next week, so will test it again before the next release. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted March 27, 2024 I don't think this works properly in 9.1. On GET with failed Authentication I get a 401 from ICS with the following document (btw, where can I edit/override this?): <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Access Denied</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>401 Access Denied</H1>The requested URL /ping requires authorization.<P></BODY></HTML> On POST I still land in my .Execute-Function. But Client.AuthUserName doesn't get cleared. I would expect, that like with GET I don"t even come into the .Execute-Function. The second best solution would be, if the FAuthenticated was available at the Client. So I could check this. (It took me two years to get back to this, because I was building other endpoints where I do custom jwt processing and had no need for basic auth, in case you wonder) Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 27, 2024 Basic Authentication has always worked with GET, my own websites have used it for over 15 years, hundreds of logins each day. If you can reproduce a problem using the multi web server sample, with logs, I'll look into it. Angus Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted March 27, 2024 6 hours ago, Angus Robertson said: Basic Authentication has always worked with GET, my own websites have used it for over 15 years, hundreds of logins each day. GET is working. POST is where I have trouble. I'm going to try to reproduce it with the sample. Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted March 27, 2024 I got a (somewhat working example with minimal changes to the demo. I used the postinfo-Demo, because I think you added that specifically to test POST. \demos-data\WebAppServerData\Templates\postinfo.htm is missing, but that doesn't matter for the test. My one change: procedure TWeblServerForm.SslHttpAppSrv1AuthGetType(Sender, Client: TObject); var ClientCnx : TMyHttpConnection; begin //{ It's easyer to do the cast one time. Could use with clause... } ClientCnx := TMyHttpConnection(Client); if CompareText(ClientCnx.Path, '/DemoBasicAuth.html') = 0 then begin ClientCnx.AuthTypes := [atBasic]; ClientCnx.AuthRealm := 'DemoBasicAuth'; end else if CompareText(ClientCnx.Path, '/postinfo.html') = 0 then begin // Added for Debugging Basic Auth ClientCnx.AuthTypes := [atBasic]; ClientCnx.AuthRealm := 'DemoBasicAuth'; end GET with no credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" - WEB-APP /postinfo.htm Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:35:45 WEB-APP SYCORAX GET /postinfo.html - 86 - HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 401 337 218 0 GET with wrong credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" AuthGetPassword for "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" [23:37:08] authentication result failed with type Basic for /postinfo.html - WEB-APP /postinfo.html Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:37:08 WEB-APP SYCORAX GET /postinfo.html - 86 test1 HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 401 337 257 0 GET with correct credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" AuthGetPassword for "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" [23:38:01] authentication result OK with type Basic for /postinfo.html - WEB-APP /postinfo.html POST/PUT Content Size 0 Request Content Type Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:38:01 WEB-APP SYCORAX GET /postinfo.html - 86 test HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 200 563 261 0 POST with no credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" POST/PUT Content Size 8 Request Content Type: text/plain Raw Params: Testdata Raw Params: Testdata= Post URL: From IP Address: Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:39:25 WEB-APP SYCORAX POST /postinfo.html - 86 - HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 200 563 272 0 POST with wrong credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" AuthGetPassword for "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" [23:40:33] authentication result failed with type Basic for /postinfo.html POST/PUT Content Size 8 Request Content Type: text/plain Raw Params: Testdata Raw Params: Testdata= Post URL: From IP Address: Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:40:33 WEB-APP SYCORAX POST /postinfo.html - 86 test1 HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 200 563 311 0 POST with correct credentials Request requires authentication "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" AuthGetPassword for "/postinfo.html" AuthType is "atBasic" [23:41:23] authentication result OK with type Basic for /postinfo.html [23:41:23] 1: HTTP/1.1 POST /postinfo.html POST/PUT Content Size 8 Request Content Type: text/plain Raw Params: Testdata Raw Params: Testdata= Post URL: From IP Address: Answer Log - 2024-03-27 23:41:23 WEB-APP SYCORAX POST /postinfo.html - 86 test HTTP/1.1 PostmanRuntime/7.37.0 200 563 315 0 As you can see, with GET only with correct credentials .execute gets called. With POST .execute always gets called. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 28, 2024 Thanks, on my list to investigate, might be a couple of weeks. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted March 28, 2024 (edited) I debugged the issue for a bit: In THttpConnection.ProcessPostPutPat Flags gets changed from hg401 to hgAcceptData, so the "case Flags of hg401" never gets triggered. Perhaps there needs to be a check for the 40x-Flags before the "if (FRequestMethod = httpMethodPost) then TriggerPostDocument(Flags) ..." block. Quick and dirty, seems to work, but I don't know if something further down the line breaks: {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} procedure THttpConnection.ProcessPostPutPat; { V8.08 } var Flags : THttpGetFlag; begin { POST and no content-length received, we treat this as "bad request" } { and don't pass it to the component user. } if (not FRequestHasContentLength) or (FRequestContentLength < 0) then begin { HTTP/1.0 A valid Content-Length is required on all HTTP/1.0 POST requests. An HTTP/1.0 server should respond with a 400 (bad request) message if it cannot determine the length of the request message's content. HTTP/1.1 The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's message-headers. For compatibility with HTTP/1.0 applications, HTTP/1.1 requests containing a message-body MUST include a valid Content-Length header field unless the server is known to be HTTP/1.1 compliant. If a request contains a message-body and a Content-Length is not given, the server SHOULD respond with 400 (bad request) if it cannot determine the length of the message, or with 411 (length required) if it wishes to insist on receiving a valid Content-Length. Currently we act as a HTTP/1.0 server. } FKeepAlive := FALSE; Answer400; { We close the connection non-gracefully otherwise we might receive data we cannot handle properly. } CloseDelayed; Exit; end; {$IFNDEF NO_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORT} if not FAuthenticated then Flags := hg401 else {$ENDIF} if FOutsideFlag and (not (hoAllowOutsideRoot in FOptions)) then Flags := hg403 else Flags := hg404; case Flags of // quick and dirty hg400: begin FKeepAlive := FALSE; Answer400; CloseDelayed; exit; end; {/V7.30 } hg401: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer401; exit; end; hg403: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer403; exit; end; hg404: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer404; exit; end; end; FAcceptPostedData := FALSE; if (FRequestMethod = httpMethodPost) then TriggerPostDocument(Flags) else if (FRequestMethod = httpMethodPut) then TriggerPutDocument(Flags) else if (FRequestMethod = httpMethodPatch) then TriggerPatchDocument(Flags); if (not FAcceptPostedData) and (FRequestContentLength > 0) then begin { V7.30 } { The component user doesn't handle posted data. } { Turn LineMode off if RequestContentLength > 0, we'll turn it } { back on again in our overridden method Receive. } LineMode := FALSE; FPostCounter := FRequestContentLength; end else FPostCounter := 0; case Flags of hg400: begin FKeepAlive := FALSE; Answer400; CloseDelayed; end; {/V7.30 } hg401: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer401; end; hg403: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer403; end; hg404: begin if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} PrepareGraceFullShutDown; Answer404; end; hgAcceptData: FAcceptPostedData := TRUE; else if FKeepAlive = FALSE then {Bjornar} CloseDelayed; end; end; Edited March 28, 2024 by omnibrain Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 28, 2024 Sorry, not looking at complex ICS bugs for a while, catching up on other stuff. Angus Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted March 28, 2024 11 minutes ago, Angus Robertson said: Sorry, not looking at complex ICS bugs for a while, catching up on other stuff. No problem. I just wanted to try it now and report my findings so you have all the information when you find time to look into it. Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted April 4, 2024 Just to add: the // quick and dirty should not handle the 404 case, otherwise nothing works anymore, because the flags comes with hg404 if you "try" static serving first. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted April 11, 2024 On 3/27/2024 at 10:42 PM, omnibrain said: I used the postinfo-Demo, because I think you added that specifically to test POST. \demos-data\WebAppServerData\Templates\postinfo.htm is missing, but that doesn't matter for the test. Took some detective work to work out where that template has gone, it was written last autumn to test a major rejig of web server get/post parameter processing using streams for multi-gig uploads. But the template never got added to SVN and then got lost when the samples were re-organised. So I've had to recreate it from my public web site: Not in SVN yet, still looking at your real problem. Angus Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted April 16, 2024 I believe the authentication POST problem was mainly a simple literal, if FOutsideFlag and (not (hoAllowOutsideRoot in FOptions)) then Flags := hg403 else Flags := hg404; where hg404 should be hgSendDoc. But something else is going on I'm still tracking, RequestDone should be called for a 401 error to reset the state machine, but is not, although it still seems to work. The biggest problem is our samples test all the authentication variations for virtual and normal pages, but not for template pages or POST pages, so that all had to be added first. I always test server fixes on my public servers for a day or two, so the changes won't be in SVN until later in the week. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted May 17, 2024 Authentication should now be fixed in SVN and the overnight zip. Angus Share this post Link to post