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Note:  I found a solution to my problem -- not using FMX but through another means.  Thanks, everyone who answered.

Is there any way to directly access the TVideoCaptureDevice sample buffer?  Thank you.

Edited by epearson
to inform people I no longer need an answer to this question

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lMyCAMDevice.OnSampleBufferReady := prcCAMSampleBufferReady; // showing our video on TImage

procedure TfrmFormMain.prcCAMSampleBufferReady(Sender: TObject; const ATime: TMediaTime);
// DONT USE "main thread" to process something "critial" like: process images by Cam
// or anyother that can "crash" your UI (user interface) or app!!!

// If exist images to process, then, put it on a "queue" to execute it!
// Here, "prcSampleBufferSync" will be called always in a queue from main thread (your app)
// to "dont paralize it" while the images it's processed!!! //
// .............."main thread".........."method called"

	TThread.Queue(TThread.CurrentThread, prcCAMSampleBufferSync);

//or directly using a Anonimous Procedure on 


procedure TfrmFormMain.prcCAMSampleBufferSync;
// use your imagination, to redirect this buffer !!! 🙂
// in the meantime ... let's write the pictures coming from the camera in the TImage

	lMyCAMDevice.SampleBufferToBitmap(imgVideoCapture.Bitmap, True);


Edited by Guest

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Hi, I found a solution to my problem -- using a different application.  Thanks everyone who tried to answer my question.

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