kvk1989 2 Posted March 23, 2022 hi , i'm trying to install driver function but give me error here is my code Function InstalUinstallMTP_Driver(IsInstall: Boolean = true): Boolean; var driverpath, dir, cmd: string; begin result := false; driverpath := ExtractFilepath(application.ExeName) + 'adb\mtp\drivers\SAMSUNG_Android.inf'; if not fileexists(driverpath) then begin addlog('Driver not exist, '); exit; end; dir := ExtractFilepath(application.ExeName) + '\drivers'; if IsWindows64 then driverpath := 'install_x64.exe' else driverpath := 'install_x86.exe'; if IsInstall then begin cmd := driverpath + ' install "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); //// here error if cmd.Contains('starting devices') then result := true; end else begin cmd := driverpath + ' uninstall "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); // addlog(cmd); if cmd.Contains('starting devices') then result := true; end; Share this post Link to post
FPiette 390 Posted March 23, 2022 What is the exact error you get? Do you get the error at compile time or at runtime? What is the function Shell? I guess it is similar to ShellExecute? Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 23, 2022 10 minutes ago, FPiette said: What is the exact error you get? Do you get the error at compile time or at runtime? What is the function Shell? I guess it is similar to ShellExecute? yes , runtime here shell codes function IsWinNT: Boolean; var OSV: OSVERSIONINFO; begin OSV.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSV); GetVersionEx(OSV); Result := OSV.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; end; function Shell(Cmd: string; dirpath: string): string; var Buffer: array [0 .. 10096] of char; si: STARTUPINFO; sa: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; sd: SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; pi: PROCESS_INFORMATION; newstdin, newstdout, read_stdout, write_stdin: THANDLE; exitcod, bread, avail: cardinal; Str: ansistring; begin Result := ''; SetCurrentDir(dirpath); // ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)); if IsWinNT then begin InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@sd, True, nil, False); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @sd; end else sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; sa.nLength := sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle := True; if CreatePipe(newstdin, write_stdin, @sa, 0) then begin if CreatePipe(read_stdout, newstdout, @sa, 0) then begin GetStartupInfo(si); with si do begin dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; hStdOutput := newstdout; hStdError := newstdout; hStdInput := newstdin; end; FillChar(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); GetEnvironmentVariable('COMSPEC', @Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1); StrCat(@Buffer, PChar(' /c ' + Cmd)); if CreateProcess(nil, @Buffer, nil, nil, True, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, nil, nil, si, pi) then begin Str := #13; WriteFile(write_stdin, PansiChar(Str)^, Length(Str), bread, nil); repeat application.ProcessMessages; PeekNamedPipe(read_stdout, @Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, @bread, @avail, nil); if bread > 0 then begin FillChar(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); ReadFile(read_stdout, Buffer, bread, bread, nil); Result := Result + ansistring(PansiChar(@Buffer)); end; GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, exitcod); until (exitcod <> STILL_ACTIVE) and (bread = 0); end; CloseHandle(read_stdout); CloseHandle(newstdout); end; CloseHandle(newstdin); CloseHandle(write_stdin); end; end; function Cmd(Cmd: string): string; var Buffer: array [0 .. 10096] of PChar; si: STARTUPINFO; sa: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; sd: SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; pi: PROCESS_INFORMATION; newstdin, newstdout, read_stdout, write_stdin: THANDLE; exitcod, bread, avail: cardinal; Str: string; StopExecution: BOOL; path: string; begin Result := ''; SetCurrentDir(ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName)); if IsWinNT then begin InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@sd, True, nil, False); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @sd; end else sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; sa.nLength := sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle := True; if CreatePipe(newstdin, write_stdin, @sa, 0) then begin if CreatePipe(read_stdout, newstdout, @sa, 0) then begin GetStartupInfo(si); with si do begin dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; hStdOutput := newstdout; hStdError := newstdout; hStdInput := newstdin; end; FillChar(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); GetEnvironmentVariable('COMSPEC', @Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1); StrCat(@Buffer, PChar(' /c ' + Cmd)); if CreateProcess(nil, @Buffer, nil, nil, True, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, nil, nil, si, pi) then begin Str := #13; WriteFile(write_stdin, PChar(Str)^, Length(Str), bread, nil); repeat PeekNamedPipe(read_stdout, @Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, @bread, @avail, nil); if bread > 0 then begin FillChar(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); ReadFile(read_stdout, Buffer, bread, bread, nil); Result := Result + string(PansiChar(@Buffer)); end; GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, exitcod); until (exitcod <> STILL_ACTIVE) and (bread = 0); end; CloseHandle(read_stdout); CloseHandle(newstdout); end; CloseHandle(newstdin); CloseHandle(write_stdin); end; end; function IsWindows64: boolean; type TIsWow64Process = function(AHandle: THandle; var AIsWow64: BOOL) : BOOL; stdcall; var vKernel32Handle: DWORD; vIsWow64Process: TIsWow64Process; vIsWow64: BOOL; begin // 1) assume that we are not running under Windows 64 bit result := false; // 2) Load kernel32.dll library vKernel32Handle := LoadLibrary('kernel32.dll'); if (vKernel32Handle = 0) then exit; // Loading kernel32.dll was failed, just return try // 3) Load windows api IsWow64Process @vIsWow64Process := GetProcAddress(vKernel32Handle, 'IsWow64Process'); if not Assigned(vIsWow64Process) then exit; // Loading IsWow64Process was failed, just return // 4) Execute IsWow64Process against our own process vIsWow64 := false; if (vIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess, vIsWow64)) then result := vIsWow64; // use the returned value finally FreeLibrary(vKernel32Handle); // unload the library end; end; Function InstalUinstallMTP_Driver(IsInstall: boolean = true): boolean; var driverpath, dir, cmd: string; begin result := false; driverpath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'adb\mtp\drivers\SAMSUNG_Android.inf'; if not fileexists(driverpath) then begin adlg('please inform me for driver not found ',clblue,true) ; exit; end; dir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'adb\mtp\drivers'; if IsWindows64 then driverpath := 'install_x64.exe' else driverpath := 'install_x86.exe'; if IsInstall then begin cmd := driverpath + ' install "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; // cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); if cmd.Contains('starting devices') then result := true; end else begin cmd := driverpath + ' uninstall "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; // cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); // addlog(cmd); if cmd.Contains('starting devices') then result := true; end; end; Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted March 23, 2022 Without the actual error(s), we'll be guessing. Is it lack of process security elevation so that it fails due to insufficient rights? Share this post Link to post
FPiette 390 Posted March 23, 2022 You said the error occur in Shell function and then you showed code for Shell function... So where EXACTLY is the error produced and which error is this EXACTLY. We cannot help you if you to help us... Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 23, 2022 22 minutes ago, FPiette said: You said the error occur in Shell function and then you showed code for Shell function... So where EXACTLY is the error produced and which error is this EXACTLY. We cannot help you if you to help us... cmd := driverpath + ' install "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; // cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); if cmd.Contains('starting devices') then result := true; end else begin cmd := driverpath + ' uninstall "--inf=SAMSUNG_Android.inf"'; // cmd := Shell(cmd, dir); // addlog(cmd); cmd error Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted March 23, 2022 It is a problem that you have zero error handling around the Win32 operations in the Cmd method. Without the precise error information from the failing API(s), we are completely in the dark. F.x. if CreateProcess fails, you need to call GetLastError and log or pass on the error info somehow. Almost every Win32 API method will update last error. 1 Share this post Link to post
FPiette 390 Posted March 23, 2022 You don't help yourself... Shell is a function you wrote. We cannot tell you what errors it returns. Modify your code to get the error code or error message INSIDE the Shell function, everywhere an API function is called. Share this post Link to post