M.e.l 1 Posted March 30, 2022 Hi, After updating from v8.57 to 8.68, the proxy setting in my TsslHttpCli component did not work anymore. Proxy: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/wpad.dat Port: 8080 ProxyUsername / ProxyPassword are also set In unit OverbyteIcsHttpProt, function THttpCli.PrepareNTLMAuth(var FlgClean : Boolean) : Boolean; I did revert that part: 8.68 code: { this flag can tell if we proceed with OnRequestDone or will try } { to authenticate } Result := FALSE; if (httpoNoNTLMAuth in FOptions) and (((FStatusCode = 401) and (FServerAuth = httpAuthNtlm)) or ((FStatusCode = 407) and (FProxyAuth = httpAuthNtlm))) then Exit else if (FStatusCode = 407) and (FDoAuthor.Count > 0) and (FProxyAuthBasicState = basicNone) {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication} and (FProxyAuthDigestState = digestNone) {$ENDIF} then begin // V8.61 OAS : remove case where user and PW are empty because used for User credentials { We can handle authorization } TmpInt := FDoAuthor.Count - 1; while TmpInt >= 0 do begin if CompareText(Copy(FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], 1, 4), 'NTLM') = 0 then begin Result := TRUE; if Assigned(FOnBeforeAuth) then FOnBeforeAuth(Self, httpAuthNtlm, FALSE, FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], Result); if Result then begin if (FProxyUsername = '') and (FProxyPassword = '') and not Assigned(FAuthNtlmSession) then // V8.61 FAuthNtlmSession := TNtlmAuthSession.Create (cuOutbound) ; // Create session for proxy NTLM StartAuthNTLM; if FAuthNTLMState in [ntlmMsg1, ntlmMsg3] then FlgClean := True; Break; end; end; Dec(TmpInt); end; end reverted to 8.57 code: { this flag can tell if we proceed with OnRequestDone or will try } { to authenticate } Result := FALSE; if (httpoNoNTLMAuth in FOptions) and (((FStatusCode = 401) and (FServerAuth = httpAuthNtlm)) or ((FStatusCode = 407) and (FProxyAuth = httpAuthNtlm))) then Exit; if (FStatusCode = 401) and (FDoAuthor.Count > 0) and (FAuthBasicState = basicNone) and {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication} (FAuthDigestState = digestNone) and {$ENDIF} (FCurrUserName <> '') and (FCurrPassword <> '') then begin { We can handle authorization } TmpInt := FDoAuthor.Count - 1; while TmpInt >= 0 do begin if CompareText(Copy(FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], 1, 4), 'NTLM') = 0 then begin Result := TRUE; if Assigned(FOnBeforeAuth) then FOnBeforeAuth(Self, httpAuthNtlm, FALSE, FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], Result); if Result then begin StartAuthNTLM; if FAuthNTLMState in [ntlmMsg1, ntlmMsg3] then FlgClean := True; Break; end; end; Dec(TmpInt); end; end and... miracle: it did work again !! (with everything else from v8.68).... I am NOT sure that is a bug: I might have something wrong in my code leading to that and need to set some properties to my TSslHttpCli to avoid that... But I don't know what... if somebody can help, thanks in advance Mel Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 30, 2022 Bottom line is testing multiple variants of authentication and proxy settings is a nightmare, takes a long time to setup all the testing environments locally, so if you want this investigated we will need access to the proxy and server to which ICS is failing to connect. But won't have time to look for at least a week. The change three years ago was done by a user accessing a Windows domain with single sign on, but I guess not via a proxy, which I can not test. Angus Share this post Link to post
M.e.l 1 Posted March 30, 2022 Yes, I can imagine how that can be a nightmare... But I am afraid I will not be able to provide any access to that proxy server, as this happens by a customer. The problem is solved by patching back that part of code ! But I will try to investigate further. Mel Share this post Link to post