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[iOS] TLocationSensor not firing in iOS12, w/ NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription

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Hi ,


I ran into another iOS problem, which I thought was solved in 10.3 Rio.
Since I updated some iPhone and iPad to iOS12.13, the Location doesn't seem to fire any more.
I was sure this was fixed before, but now it seems to strike back.



Rx10.3 Rio Ent,  iPhone/iPad iOS12.13


The location sensor doesn't send OnLocationChange events at all, while all other events, like OnHeadingChanged are there.

When starting the "Allow" selection appears, but that doesn't start actions.

Workarounds tested:

I followed the advices to add NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription  in newer iOS,

also following the nice instruction here from FeLDMARShaL, which is probably the essence of all other descriptions found in the web.


and the description and demo from DelphiWorlds



The solutions described were simple: just add "NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" key, but that doesn't seem to work always.

In my tests neither the Emba samples, not the DelphiWorlds sample seems to work any more.


Does anybody has a clue what else is missing ?





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Well Dave, I think I owe you a beer.
Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.

I already made such proposal earlier, why is it so hard to find workarounds in the web.
Wouldn't it be about time to have a kind of "CanIUse" and "Polyfills" for Delphi ?

I would rather look into a well sorted database of workarounds, instead of searching Google first.
If anybody at EMBT (or elsewhere) is listening to me, I hope there could be such a valuable search structure too (maybe here in DP as well).

Edited by Rollo62

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