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ICS Web Sockets send from server

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I'm using ICS Web Sockets, and everything is working good so far - browsers connect to my server, and the ICS "echo" sample works fine.


However, I need to send an unsolicited string from the server to all connected clients. Anyone know how to do this? I've tried and tried, and can't find any way to access the web socket clients. If I just do "Webserver.client[n].sendstr(s);" then the browser just disconnects.


What I'm trying to do this something like this:

WebSocketServer: TWSocketServer;
procedure THttpGUI.Start;
if not(assigned(WebSocketServer)) then    // Don't do if already created
    WebSocketServer := TWSocketServer.Create(nil);   // Create the WebSocket server
    WebSocketServer.Proto := 'tcp';             // TCP/IP protocol
    WebSocketServer.ClientClass := TWebSockSrvClient; // Web socket
    WebSocketServer.Banner := '';     // Remove banner because we handle websocket handshake
    WebSocketServer.OnBgException := WebSocketServer_BgException;
    WebSocketServer.OnClientConnect := WebSocketServer_ClientConnect;
    WebSocketServer.OnClientDisconnect := WebSocketServer_ClientDisconnect;
  // Connection stuff all works fine, not shown here
// Send a string to all connected clients (browsers).
procedure THttpGUI.WebSocket_SendString(s : string);
  n : integer;
  if assigned(WebSocketServer) then
    for n := 0 to WebSocketServer.ClientCount-1 do
      WebSocketClient[n].sendString(s);       // Something like this!!!


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He originally posted the question in the ICS forum, but the issue is not with ICS, but with a Javascript web page implementation to display data from the websockets server.




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