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Indy IMAP and Microsoft EWS

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Is Indy IMAP component capable to connect to Office 365 account? How "mature" is Indy ssl-oauth branch?

I'm looking for some solution to only read 'unread' emails from this account, mark them as 'read' and optionally copy them to another folder




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9 hours ago, marcin said:

Is Indy IMAP component capable to connect to Office 365 account?

Yes.  And you don't actually need OAuth for it, you could use an App-specific password instead if you have 2-step verification enabled.

9 hours ago, marcin said:

How "mature" is Indy ssl-oauth branch?

Not very mature at all, considering I just created the branch a couple of months ago, and am still receiving feedback over whether it even works correctly.


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Thanks for the answers, following your suggestion, first I'll try with App-specific password.



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Since Office 365 account I'm trying to connect to with TIdIMAP4  does not support App-specific password, I have to use TIdSASLXOAuth2 from ssl-oauth branch.

I have managed to obtain access token from login.microsoftonline.com, but I'm getting 'Authentication failed' when trying to log in to IMAP. How can I check (if possible) if there is something wrong with the token (i.e incorrect scope) or TIdSASLXOAuth2 itself requires some tweaking? Or maybe there is something wrong with my code:


 sslHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create;
 sslHandler.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2;
 sslHandler.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_2];

 IMAP := TIdIMAP4.Create(Self);
 IMAP.IOHandler := sslHandler;
 IMAP.UseTLS := utUseImplicitTLS;
 IMAP.Host := 'outlook.office365.com';
 IMAP.Port := 993;
 IMAP.OnStatus := IdIMAP41Status;

 xoauthSASL := IMAP.SASLMechanisms.Add;
 xoauthSASL.SASL := TIdSASLXOAuth2.Create(nil);
 TIdSASLXOAuth2(xoauthSASL.SASL).UserPassProvider := TIdUserPassProvider.Create();
 TIdSASLXOAuth2(xoauthSASL.SASL).UserPassProvider.Username := microsoft_clientaccount;
 TIdSASLXOAuth2(xoauthSASL.SASL).UserPassProvider.Password := AccessToken;

 IMAP.AuthType := iatSASL;


Can someone help?




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7 hours ago, marcin said:

I have managed to obtain access token from login.microsoftonline.com, but I'm getting 'Authentication failed' when trying to log in to IMAP. How can I check (if possible) if there is something wrong with the token (i.e incorrect scope) or TIdSASLXOAuth2 itself requires some tweaking? Or maybe there is something wrong with my code:

Offhand, the code you have shown looks OK (except for the potential memory leaks), but I can't really answer your question, because you didn't show how you are obtaining the token in the first place, or what settings you have used for it.


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I'm obtaining the access_token the way you helped me in another thread:


  scope := 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default';
  msUrl := 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/%s/oauth2/v2.0/token';

  sslHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create;
  sslHandler.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2;
  sslHandler.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_2];

  httpClient := TIdHTTP.Create;
  httpClient.HTTPOptions := [hoForceEncodeParams, hoNoProtocolErrorException, hoWantProtocolErrorContent];
  httpClient.IOHandler := sslHandler;
  httpClient.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

  tsRequestBody := TStringList.Create;
  tsRequestBody.Add('client_id=' + ClientID);
  tsRequestBody.Add('client_secret=' + ClientSecret);
  tsRequestBody.Add('scope=' + scope);

  sResponse := httpClient.Post(Format(msUrl, [TenantID]), tsRequestBody);
  responseCode := httpClient.ResponseCode;

  if responseCode = 200
   then begin
         jsonOject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(sResponse) as TJSONObject;
         jsonValue := jsonOject.Values['access_token'];
         accessToken := jsonValue.ToString;
         Result := True;
   else begin
         Result := False;
         accessToken := sResponse;



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and does the above procedure work?
I'm struggling with something similar - access to Dropbox and still errors




Edited by polasss

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11 minutes ago, marcin said:


You mean procedure for obtaing a token? Yest it works, I get "200" with JSON containing access_token

I mean mainly connecting to the resource after using idhttp including the token

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11 hours ago, marcin said:

  scope := 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default';


I'm no expert in OAuth, but are you sure that is the correct scope to use for requesting accessing to IMAP?


Also, it looks like you are bypassing the OAuth "/authorize" url, which returns an authorization token that you can submit to the "/token" url.  Why?  Is that even a valid flow?

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Now I'm totally confused.

Getting back to square one and starting from very beginning...

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