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ScreenSnap and real window position (D7)

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I'm using a simple procedure to save and load form positions under Delphi 7.

procedure LoadSavePos(f: TForm; save: Boolean);
  if not save then begin
    ScreenSnap := True;
    f.Top := t;
    f.Height := h;

But if I set these values during `OnShow` procedure, they get ignored, and the window is restoring to the position of:

 - before the ScreenSnap happened ! 😞


ScreenSnap is that:

- Any time the user is resizing the window, and nearing to the edge, the form "jumps" to full height or width.

That's fine, it should work like this, but I can not set those positions, only if I restart the whole program, and the form is showed initially, loading the new values.


My guess is it may has to do with the https://www.alphaskins.com components, but it is extremely hard to debug it.

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