Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 6, 2022 1 hour ago, aehimself said: Perfection, works like a charm. It triggered my antivirus though, hope won't happen in the real application 🙂 make exhaustive testing, it stopped working on my system again. no clue why Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 6, 2022 55 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said: make exhaustive testing, it stopped working on my system again. no clue why Happened to me too, however a simple Delphi restart solved it. Maybe DDE server died in Delphi, as DdeQueryNextServer found no matches. Anyway, I added some information gathering and now I have the full process name of each process which was found. From here, I only need to enumerate the bds paths in Registry to find which Delphi version that executable is for. Little bit more code than I expected, but at least it works! Thank you! Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 6, 2022 (edited) here is the executable name Buffer: array [0 .. 4095] of Char; Modules: array [0 .. 255] of THandle; PID: DWORD; exePathLen: integer; hProcess: THandle; nResult: boolean; nTemp: Cardinal; aService, aTopic: WORD; .... if GetWindowThreadProcessId(ci.hwndPartner, PID) <> 0 then begin hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, PID); if hProcess <> 0 then begin nResult := EnumProcessModules(hProcess, @Modules[0], Length(Modules), nTemp); if nResult then begin nTemp := GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); Memo1.Lines.Add(Buffer); end; end; end; ... Edited December 6, 2022 by Attila Kovacs Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 6, 2022 3 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said: here is the executable name Buffer: array [0 .. 4095] of Char; Modules: array [0 .. 255] of THandle; PID: DWORD; exePathLen: integer; hProcess: THandle; nResult: boolean; nTemp: Cardinal; aService, aTopic: WORD; .... if GetWindowThreadProcessId(ci.hwndPartner, PID) <> 0 then begin hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, PID); if hProcess <> 0 then begin nResult := EnumProcessModules(hProcess, @Modules[0], Length(Modules), nTemp); if nResult then begin nTemp := GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); Memo1.Lines.Add(Buffer); end; end; end; ... Yep, similar to my approach. I moved this to a separate function though, but logic is the same. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 6, 2022 with the versions are Berlin 24.0.25048.9432 D2007 11.0.2902.10471 we have everything we need Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 6, 2022 Had that in mind but I'm afraid of using version numbers, as you have to consider patch levels in each version. I guess it might change bds.exe version number too. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 6, 2022 as you can only have one instance of one major version installed, it should not be a problem Share this post Link to post
Pat Foley 53 Posted December 6, 2022 Why not catch caption. Don't tell anyone I'm working up a log program 12/6/2022 6:26:47 AM= Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow Windows Default Lock Screen 12/6/2022 6:26:54 AM= Shell_TrayWnd 12/6/2022 6:27:09 AM= TMain Main 12/6/2022 6:28:29 AM= TAppBuilder ProgramLogger - Delphi 11 - AppMain [Running] [Built] 12/6/2022 6:29:38 AM= TMain Main 12/6/2022 6:29:39 AM= TAppBuilder ProgramLogger - Delphi 11 - AppMain [Running] [Built] 12/6/2022 6:30:28 AM= Chrome_WidgetWin_1 View program flow and calls to help understand code? - General Help - Delphi-PRAXiS [en] and 3 more pages - Personal - Microsoft? Edge Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 6, 2022 caption is a good alternative yes, as long as it won't change in the future Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 7, 2022 21 hours ago, Attila Kovacs said: Here. This queries all the running bde's and opens a file in every one. This is a good start, you have to find out which is which version somehow, I have no more time for that. DDE-test.7z I took the liberty to include everything in a small, easy to use package: Usage: Var dv: TDelphiVersions; v: TDelphiVersion; begin dv := TDelphiVersions.Create; Try For v In dv.InstalledVersions Do If v.IsRunning Then v.OpenFile('C:\a.pas'); Finally FreeAndNil(dv); End; End; Multiple DDE queries clearly lock something up, I suspect calling .IsRunning in an infinite loop will turn from True to False after a while. Also, OpenFile will raise an AV if there are no instances. I'll add some error handling later. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 there is a small change since then in at the beginning of the DDE part lHszApp := DdeCreateStringHandleW(FDdeInstId, PChar(DdeService), CP_WINUNICODE); DdeKeepStringHandle(FDdeInstId, lHszApp); lHszTopic := DdeCreateStringHandleW(FDdeInstId, PChar(DdeTopic), CP_WINUNICODE); DdeKeepStringHandle(FDdeInstId, lHszTopic); try ConvList := DdeConnectList(FDdeInstId, lHszApp, lHszTopic, 0, nil); finally DdeFreeStringHandle(FDdeInstId, lHszApp); DdeFreeStringHandle(FDdeInstId, lHszTopic); end; also, I dropped vcl.ddeman and initialize DDE myself ..... function DdeMgrCallBack(CallType, Fmt: UINT; Conv: HConv; hsz1, hsz2: HSZ; Data: HDDEData; Data1, Data2: ULONG_PTR): HDDEData; stdcall; begin Result := 0; end; initialization // DdeInitialize FDdeInstId := 0; InitRes := DdeInitializeW(FDdeInstId, DdeMgrCallBack, APPCLASS_STANDARD, 0); if InitRes <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('DDE Error: %d', [DdeGetLastError(InitRes)]); finalization DdeUninitialize(FDdeInstId); and headless dde windows messages (from console), optional: FDDEHWND := AllocateHWnd(TDDeHelper.DDEWndProc); try // fist initiate the communication, this results an ACK from the host aService := GlobalAddAtom(PChar(sService)); aTopic := GlobalAddAtom(PChar(sTopic)); try SendMessage(ci.hwndPartner, WM_DDE_INITIATE, FDDEHWND, Makelong(aService, aTopic)); finally GlobalDeleteAtom(aService); GlobalDeleteAtom(aTopic); end; // send dde script ddeCommandH := GlobalLockString(ddeCommand, GMEM_DDESHARE); try PostMessage(ci.hwndPartner, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, FDDEHWND, ddeCommandH); finally GlobalUnlock(ddeCommandH); GlobalFree(ddeCommandH); end; finally DeAllocateHWND(FDDEHWND); end; whereas class procedure TDDeHelper.DDEWndProc(var AMsg: TMessage); begin // ack debug if AMsg.Msg = WM_DDE_ACK then begin if FLog then WriteLn(Format('ACK from: %x %x', [AMsg.WParam, AMsg.LParam])); end else if FDDEHWND <> 0 then DefWindowProc(FDDEHWND, AMsg.Msg, AMsg.WParam, AMsg.LParam); end; as a whole: uBdsLauncher2.pas Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 7, 2022 Btw, stability issue seem to be solved by calling DdeDisconnectList when finished. I'll push an update soon. 2 Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 something is still not ok, after 4 calls the IDE won't respond anymore Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 7, 2022 1 hour ago, Attila Kovacs said: something is still not ok, after 4 calls the IDE won't respond anymore I'm using the code to start an IDE if nothing was detected and open a file in it. Once the first instance can not even be detected anymore I still can control the second just fine. This makes me believe the issue is with the DDE server of a specific instance. There are two options. Either we lock up Delphi's DDE server with our code, or Delphi's DDE server is buggy and crashes by itself. Once an instance locks up I'll see if I can double-click on a file in Explorer to open it. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 3 minutes ago, aehimself said: Either we lock up Delphi's DDE server with our code, or Delphi's DDE server is buggy and crashes by itself. but opening files from the shell still works which is also DDE from bdsLauncher Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 7, 2022 7 hours ago, Attila Kovacs said: also, I dropped vcl.ddeman and initialize DDE myself And with this, you made all calls work fine from a background thread! 1 Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 (edited) Here are two DDE log files, This is what BDS is getting by calling "DdeConnectList()"..... (why??? 128 conversations are opened. wtaf?) 1(-3) working, 4th, last terminate is missing and the returned list by DdeConnectList is empty. 1.sxl 4.sxl Ok, these are all the window handles on my system, not just bds however I was filtering for the one hwnd.... never mind. But, 00C70C4C is a TPUtilWindow (AllocateHwd), which belongs to bds.exe <000280> 00C70C4C S WM_DDE_INITIATE hwnd:003109E0 aApp:C24F ("bds") aTopic:C009 ("System") <000281> 003109E0 S WM_DDE_ACK hwnd:00C70C4C aApp:C24F ("bds") aTopic:C009 ("System") <000282> 003109E0 R WM_DDE_ACK <000283> 00C70C4C R WM_DDE_INITIATE <000400> 00C70C4C P WM_DDE_TERMINATE hwnd:003109E0 <---- this is missing from the 4th run Code Meaning P The message was posted to the queue with the PostMessage function. No information is available concerning the ultimate disposition of the message. S The message was sent with the SendMessage function. This means that the sender doesn’t regain control until the receiver processes and returns the message. The receiver can, therefore, pass a return value back to the sender. s The message was sent, but security prevents access to the return value. R Each ‘S’ line has a corresponding ‘R’ (return) line that lists the message return value. Sometimes message calls are nested, which means that one message handler sends another message. Edited December 7, 2022 by Attila Kovacs Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 (edited) ok, here a native approach, finding the dde window with winapi and sending dde messages, no dde@user32 involved let's see, if it's more stable unit uBdsLauncher2; interface procedure OpenFile(const AFileName: string; ALog: boolean = False); implementation uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, Winapi.PsAPI, System.SysUtils, System.Classes; const cDdeService = 'bds'; cDdeTopic = 'system'; var FDDEHWND: THandle = 0; FLog: boolean; FWHandles: TArray<HWND>; aService, aTopic: WORD; type TDdeHelper = class public class procedure DdeWndProc(var AMsg: TMessage); end; function EnumWindowsProc(wHandle: HWND; lParam: THandle): BOOL; stdcall; export; var ClassName: array [0 .. 255] of char; begin Result := True; GetClassName(wHandle, ClassName, 255); if SameText(ClassName, 'TPUtilWindow') then SendMessage(wHandle, WM_DDE_INITIATE, FDDEHWND, Makelong(aService, aTopic)); end; // make a string global, dont forget to unlock/free it function GlobalLockString(AValue: string; AFlags: UINT): THandle; var DataPtr: Pointer; begin Result := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT or AFlags, (Length(AValue) * SizeOf(char)) + 1); try DataPtr := GlobalLock(Result); Move(PChar(AValue)^, DataPtr^, Length(AValue) * SizeOf(char)); except GlobalFree(Result); raise; end; end; function GetWindowExeName(wHandle: HWND): string; var PID: DWORD; hProcess: THandle; nTemp: Cardinal; Modules: array [0 .. 255] of THandle; Buffer: array [0 .. 4095] of char; begin Result := ''; if GetWindowThreadProcessId(wHandle, PID) <> 0 then begin hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, PID); if hProcess <> 0 then if EnumProcessModules(hProcess, @Modules[0], Length(Modules), nTemp) then if GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)) > 0 then Result := Buffer; end; end; procedure OpenFile(const AFileName: string; ALog: boolean = False); var i: integer; ddeCommand: string; ddeCommandH: THandle; begin FLog := ALog; FDDEHWND := AllocateHWnd(TDdeHelper.DdeWndProc); try SetLength(FWHandles, 0); aService := GlobalAddAtom(PChar(cDdeService)); aTopic := GlobalAddAtom(PChar(cDdeTopic)); try EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, 0); finally GlobalDeleteAtom(aService); GlobalDeleteAtom(aTopic); end; // send the DDE command to every running BDE instances ddeCommand := Format('[open("%s")]', [AFileName]); ddeCommandH := GlobalLockString(ddeCommand, GMEM_DDESHARE); try for i := 0 to High(FWHandles) do begin if FLog then WriteLn(Format('Sending command "%s" to %s', [ddeCommand, IntToHex(FWHandles[i], 8)])); PostMessage(FWHandles[i], WM_DDE_EXECUTE, FDDEHWND, ddeCommandH); PostMessage(FWHandles[i], WM_DDE_TERMINATE, FDDEHWND, 0); end; finally GlobalUnlock(ddeCommandH); GlobalFree(ddeCommandH); end; finally DeAllocateHWND(FDDEHWND); end; end; class procedure TDdeHelper.DdeWndProc(var AMsg: TMessage); var l: integer; begin // ack debug if AMsg.Msg = WM_DDE_ACK then begin l := Length(FWHandles); SetLength(FWHandles, l + 1); FWHandles[l] := AMsg.WParam; if FLog then WriteLn(Format('ACK from: %x %x', [AMsg.WParam, AMsg.lParam])); end else if FDDEHWND <> 0 then DefWindowProc(FDDEHWND, AMsg.Msg, AMsg.WParam, AMsg.lParam); end; end. Edited December 7, 2022 by Attila Kovacs Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 7, 2022 7 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said: ok, here a native approach, finding the dde window with winapi and sending dde messages, no dde@user32 involved let's see, if it's more stable This idea won't work as intended, as you are sending all the messages to all TPUtilWindows of all instances you'll find. At least for my purpose, where I am separating Delphi IDE instances by versions. The theory is interesting though. You think one Delphi instance can have more DDE servers, which are constantly being destroyed / created? Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 3 minutes ago, aehimself said: you are sending all the messages to all TPUtilWindows Yes, but only the ones answering with ACK who's listening to DDE. It works very fine. Refresh the post, I've updated several times. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 (edited) 6 minutes ago, aehimself said: you are sending all the messages to all TPUtilWindows by the way, if you are looking into my logs, DdeConnectList does the same. The only thing I don't know, how "DdeConnectList" is enumerating the windows. It was sending it to 128 ones. Edited December 7, 2022 by Attila Kovacs Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 7, 2022 7 minutes ago, aehimself said: At least for my purpose, where I am separating Delphi IDE instances by versions. There is an array with the window handles which answered to DDE_INITIATE, there is GetWindowExeName to get the executable, you have everything just like before, the only difference to your needs is, that I'm trying to open a file in every running IDE's in my demos. 1 Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted December 8, 2022 The window message version caused more havoc than it could solve. While collecting DDE targets worked more reliably, it interfered with sending commands. The finding no instances symptom was caused by the list connect, not Delphi's DDE server; adding error handling revealed that: convlist := DdeConnectList(ddeid, svchandle, topichandle, 0, nil); If convlist = 0 Then Raise EDelphiVersionException.Create('Retrieving the list of Delphi DDE servers failed, DDE error ' + DdeGetLastError(ddeid).ToString); threw DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED when something was "locked up". I'm now playing around with res := DdeInitializeW(ddeid, nil, APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0); Seems to be stable so far. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 8, 2022 What do you mean it interfered with sending commands? Can you be more specific? 12 minutes ago, aehimself said: adding error handling revealed that I have this error handling and you will get error 16394 after the 4th call. (Again, look into the DDE logs) Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted December 8, 2022 17 minutes ago, aehimself said: APPCMD_CLIENTONLY No way, this was the first thing I tried, 2 days ago. Nothing changed.. Share this post Link to post