nSolvePaul 0 Posted March 5, 2019 OverbyteIcsCryptUiApi.pas contains this line: {$HPPEMIT '#include <OverbyteIcscryptuiapi.h>'} but I can not find that file so I just comment it out. Is that a valid thing to do or am I missing something critical? (Note I've not got a working 8.58 build yet so the issue may resolve it self as once I have a working solution) Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 599 Posted March 5, 2019 Sorry no idea, that line is there for historic reasons for reasons I don't understand since I don't use C++, but I nearly always get caught out when I remove stuff I believe is unwanted. But I've commented it out here. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1489 Posted March 5, 2019 I think such an HPPEMIT statement should not be needed at all. Delphi .PAS files output .HPP files, not .H files, when compiled for C++Builder, and there is no need for a .PAS file to ever HPPEMIT a reference to its own .HPP file. 1 Share this post Link to post