Guest Posted February 9, 2023 (edited) Hello, I have delphi 7 with ICS installed and can upload file with that code: Function FtpUploadFile(Host: String;UserName: String;Password: String;UploadFileName: String;ToHostDir,Port : String ):Boolean; var FTP:TFtpClient; begin Result:=False; try Screen.Cursor:=crHourGlass; FTP:=TFtpClient.Create(nil); FTP.HostName := Host; FTP.Passive := True; FTP.Binary := True; FTP.Username := UserName; FTP.Password := Password; FTP.Port := Port; if not FTP.Open then begin // If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Echecs de connexion: '+#13+ FTP.ErrorMessage,mtError,[mbOk],0); Abort; end; if (not FTP.User) or (not FTP.Pass) then begin /// If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Echecs d''authentification: '+#13+ FTP.ErrorMessage,mtError,[mbOk],0); Abort; end; FTP.HostDirName := ToHostDir; if not FTP.Cwd then begin // If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Echecs changement dossier: '+#13+ FTP.ErrorMessage,mtError,[mbOk],0); Abort; end; FTP.LocalFileName := UploadFileName; FTP.HostFileName := ExtractFileName(UploadFileName); if not FTP.Put then begin // If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Echecs à l''envoi du fichier: '+#13+ FTP.ErrorMessage,mtError,[mbOk],0); Abort; end; finally // If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; Result:=True; Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; end; end; I need to know please how can I modify this code for downloading file Regards, Edited February 9, 2023 by Guest Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted February 9, 2023 Never used ICS's TFTPClient, but have you tried ftp.Get instead ftp.Put? You are leaking "FTP'. Uncomment the line in the finally section. Also, create the object outside, before the Try..Finally block. Share this post Link to post
mytbo 5 Posted February 9, 2023 I can't answer your question for ICS. I use Curl because it supports FTP/FTPS/SFTP. You can find all the information on how to use it in this forum thread. An example of a download function: function FTPDownloadFile(const pmcUrl, pmcUserName, pmcPassword: RawUtf8; var pmvContent: RawByteString): TCurlResult; var hnd: TCurl; begin Result := crFailedInit; if not CurlIsAvailable then Exit; //=> hnd := curl.easy_init; if hnd <> Nil then begin curl.easy_setopt(hnd, coURL, Pointer(pmcUrl)); curl.easy_setopt(hnd, coUserName, Pointer(pmcUserName)); curl.easy_setopt(hnd, coPassword, Pointer(pmcPassword)); curl.easy_setopt(hnd, coWriteFunction, @CurlWriteRawByteString); curl.easy_setopt(hnd, coWriteData, @pmvContent); Result := curl.easy_perform(hnd); if Result <> crOk then pmvContent := ''; curl.easy_cleanup(hnd); end; end; Use it like this (for an SFTP server): uses mormot.core.base, mormot.core.text, mormot.core.os, mormot.lib.curl; var url: RawUtf8; buffer: RawByteString; begin url := 's'; if FTPDownloadFile(url, 'demo', 'password', buffer) = crOk then begin FileFromString(buffer, MakePath([Executable.ProgramFilePath, 'readme.txt'])); ShowMessage(Format('Download completed: %s', [KB(Length(buffer))])); end; end; With best regards Thomas Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted February 10, 2023 ICS has plenty of samples, just look at them. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 625 Posted February 10, 2023 You should be using the TIcsFtpMulti component then you can use the FtpUpOneFile and FtpDownOneFile methods (or process hundreds of files in FtpDownFiles). Look at the OverbyteIcsXferTst.dpr sample. You only need a few lines of code in the application. Angus Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 10, 2023 I will try all solutions and see samples thanks you very much for all Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 14, 2023 On 2/9/2023 at 2:02 PM, aehimself said: You are leaking "FTP'. Uncomment the line in the finally section. Also, create the object outside, before the Try..Finally block. I Uncomment the line in the finally section and created outside the object because before I had access violation Thanks aehimself Share this post Link to post